Monday, June 30, 2008

Grova snören, vackra pärlor eller band...

Härliga draperier som rasslar i vinden. Tillverkade av vackra pärlor, grova snören, tygband eller utklippta pappersbitar. I ett dörrvalv, som rumsavdelare eller bara som en vacker utsmyckning på väggen. Kanske något man kan göra själv med lite fantasi. Bilder från Marie Claire Maison.Something fun and different to do yourself. With only colourful stripes, nice paper cuts or whatever you feel is

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pimp your furniture

I Marie Claire Maison ger Paola Navone tips om hur man kan fixa till en stol eller lampa så den blir lite festligare. Har du många oväntade gäster kanske modellen att lägga plankor ovanpå bockar eller två mindre bord kan vara en bra idé.Paola Novene in Marie Claire Maison shows three fun ideas how to make your chair, lamp or table more fun.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A fun gift idea...

(Click for larger image)I've been making these for years - this is one of my favorite gifts to give kids because kids typically love art and I love to encourage them to create art. You can get the art cases from the craft store and whenever my daughter gets invited to a birthday, I typically do one up as part of the gift. For the past two Christmases, Michaels (craft store) had the art cases on

Vart tog fröknarna Bennet vägen?

Ett charmigt gammalt hus från den engelska landsbyggden som påminner om svunna tider i riktig Jane Austen anda. Bilder från Shootfactory.An old charming house from the english countryside looking almost like it come straight from the Jane Austen movie Pride and Prejudice. Images from Shootfactory.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Butler's Pantry

Who doesn't love the look of a traditional Butler's Pantry? The Butler's Pantry is making a comeback in American and English homes as part of a resurgence of nesting and homekeeping since the late 1990s. It is one of the most requested features in American homes today, despite larger kitchen sizes than ever before. There is a charm and nostalgia to the pantry, as well as a practical, utilitarian

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hay - what do you think?

Lekfullt, strikt, på gränsen till fult emellanåt, men miljövänligt åtminstone ibland och en hel del kul nytänkande i mycket men ändå kan det se ut som allting annat. Måste säga att jag har lite blandade känslor för danska Hay även om de är övervägande positiva. Se och tyck. Bilder från Gulled.Playful and a lot of new thinking but sometimes it looks like everything else I've seen before. I have a

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blomsterpelare i hallen

Kul klädhängare från Cappellini, PO/0802 i laserskuren metall, design Oki Sato.Fun and beautiful coat hanger from Cappellini, PO/0802, design Oki Sato.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sommarlov med rastlösa barn och inget att göra. Här kommer lite tips på vad man kan göra för sina barn och tillsammans med dem. Från boken 'Kreativa Kvadratmeter' som jag skrivit om tidigare. Fler bilder från boken hittar du här och även en intervju med en av författarna här. Fotograf Gunnar Nydrén.Fun for your children in the garden. Maybe these images can give you some inspiration. From the

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Jag önskar er allihop en trevlig och skön midsommarhelg. Med nypotatis, sill, nubbar, jordgubbar och allt som hör därtill. Så här blev vår majstång. Klädd i ösregn och rest i ösregn, men.. till slut kom solen och alla kunde ta sig en sväng runt.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brazil and Japan - 100-year friendship

A friendship that started 100 years ago when the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the port of Santos aboard the steamship Kasato Maru on June 18, 1908. Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito is visiting the country to take part in the celebrations. An anniversary that certainly has a significant role in our country today.

Delicious by Rice

Gillar du stilen i föregående inlägg kolla även in Rice italienska porslinsserie Delicious. Bilder via you like the table setting in the former post, check out the italian table ware Delicious by Rice. Images from


Du har väl sett den härliga dukningen i senaste numret av Sköna Hem. Så här inför midsommar kan man ju behöva lite somrig och glad dukningsinspiration. Fotograf Martin Cederblad.For a lovely summer table setting, take a look at these from Sköna Hem. Photographer Martin Cederblad.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Space Invaders

Festliga lampor som ser ut som små ufon, Space Invaders, från Neo-Design. Inspirerade från både japanska videospel och havsdjur med tentakler. Att hänga eller ställas.This fun lighting solution that looks like small aliens are called 'Space Invaders' from Neo-Design.

Monday, June 16, 2008

July 4th Treats

This was probably the quickest and easiest project I've ever done. I could have done a lot more with it, but I wanted it to be quick and easy so that is how I approached it. I'll be making more of these but here's the first one - its a July 4th Treat Bag. I filled the bag with "Red Hots" (cinnamon candies). For the bag topper, I used a pre-made digital page and just inserted a photo. Here's the


Kul utemöbelserie för storstilade gardenparties med pallar, stolar och bord i härliga runda former. Från franska Tectona.This fun furniture group for outdoor use comes in round poufs, chairs and tables. From French Tectona..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chelsea Flower Show

Vid den här tiden på året är jag rätt fokuserad på trädgården. Jag har haft lite funderingar på bra marktäckare för att slippa alltför mycket ogräs. Här är en trädgård som verkligen lyckats med det där med marktäckare, men så är bilderna också från Chelsea Flower Show. Enligt artikeln i Göteborgsposten var det lugnet och grönskan som dominerade i år. Fotograf är Gunnel Carlson.These images are

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Traditional Minimalism

Recently Traditional Home interviewed James Radin, an interior designer and set designer for the popular movie "Something's Gotta Give". They discussed his idea of "traditional minimalism." Here is what he had to say:The key is to start with the interior architecture — cabinetry, moldings, the physically immovable part of the whole thing. A lot of great old houses were very rich in wall and

Jelly Bean

Det finns väl inget som räddar en tråkigt dukning bättre än Jelly Bean. Med sina härliga karamell färger och vackra enkla former sätter de fart på vilket bord som helst.Jelly Bean is great if you want to bring more colours and party feeling into your table setting.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Färgglatt och fantasifullt

Bilder från Marie Claire Maison. Images from Marie Claire Maison.

A few things and a CHALLENGE!

Got a few things done for Sweet Shoppe Designs:Made a card using this: Blossom CD Album Kit. Instead of making the CD album, I used one of the pages for a card front. It was sooo fast and easy! Found these plastic buckets at Party City and used this kit from Eva Kipler to made a "Girl Stuff" bucket for dd to put her girly trinkets (hairbows, bracelets, etc....) in.There is a new CHALLENGE up at

Monday, June 9, 2008

Något för oss superminimalister...

... åh, det här huset, jag går totalt igång på det. I love it. Bilder från Tavern Agency, fotograf Alexander van Berge.If you are in to the minimalistic style, take a look at this house. You just have to love it. Images from Tavern Agency, photographer Alexander van Berge.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Blue barn doors

A barn with blue doors... the look of the distressed wood walls against the freshly painted doors brings me back to reality to tell me I am not in the last century... My grandparents lived nearby and I can only imagine what life was like in the 40's when my grandmother had 6 kids and my grandfather was the manager of this place. My dad has so many stories to tell about this farm where he spent

Gandia Blasco

Vad passar bättre i den här sommarvärmen än dessa utemöbler, några av mina egna favoriter (i repris). Produktbilder från Gandia Blasco via Unica Home.These are some of my favourites when it comes to outdoor furniture and asseccories. Gandia Blasco via Unica Home.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A blue bench is so inviting

This picture was taken at this farm which is mostly painted blue! That's where my dad grew up. I would love to be able to go there again and have some quiet time, read a book or just sit down and enjoy the sounds of nature!If you like blue, please visit Anna's blog to find out more blogs that have joined this adventure!

Uteliv med krydda

Ibland är det kul med lite udda lösningar. Och kanske blir det bättre om man lämnar gamla invanda mönster och tänker om och ifrågasätter. Vare sig det gäller balkongen, uteplatsen eller sommarstugan. Bilder från Light Locations.Vem har sagt att uteplatsen eller uterummet måste ligga precis vid huset. Varför inte göra ett öppet rum mitt i trädgården så att det går att andas in all grönska och

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Stuff, Gift Ideas & More

Got a few projects done. The first is a super quick 6x6 layout for Prima Hybrid. This was sooo easy, I used a predesigned 12x12 digi page, printed it at 6x6 and just added a few real embellishments (flowers, buttons, ribbon and an epoxy sticker). Love how it turned out!Here's another fun project, but the photo here stinks because there was too much glare on the coffee mug. Anyway, I found these

Linda Banks' Iris Hill

Anyone who has picked up a decorating magazine has seen the work of interior designer, Linda Banks. Let's have a look at her home, Iris Hill in Connecticut. All photos from Banks Design Associates. I love this space! From the painted floors to the antique barber shop pole. Don't underestimate the use of interior windows, they add the illusion of space and light. This window is wonderful.The

A blue coffee mill or grinder

One of my chores as a child was to grind coffee, not an easy task, so my siblings and I took turns, and we did not always did it for fun because we did not drink coffee at the time... It was a rough chore and I'm glad it did not affect our love for coffee today as we are all heavy coffee drinkers at home!This old coffee mill was at display during the International Day held at my youngest son's

Färgsprakande sextiotalsfest

Pop-Party kallar tyska Elle Bistro den här artikeln om inredningsarkitekten Valerie Manoil. Det kan tyckas vara ett passande namn eftersom hela lägenheten är inredd i färgsprakande sextiotalsstil när det är fest för vännerna.These images comes from an article in Elle Bistro called Pop-Party. It's about the interior decorator Valerie Manoil. Her apartment is decorated in a colourful style inspired

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The weather here is good all year round and beautiful blue skies motivate outdoor parties with inflatables slides and even a trampoline.I think blue is my favorite color. You can see more people blogging blue on Anna's Project Blue.

It's June!

A new month and some new things for My Creative Scrapbook. Make sure you go visit the message board at MCS and check out this post to find out how to win some free scrapbook goodies!!! Also check out the monthly kits - they are FABULOUS and FULL of stuff!!!Here's a project I did with the June Album Kit featuring Heidi Swapp's World Traveler papers: Gotta add one more photo - my dd is taking a

Spagettiformer i trädgården

50-talets tunna och sirliga spagettiformer är tillbaka. I mer eller mindre förnyad form. Här tar jag upp några favoriter från strikt till snirkligt.The spaghetti design shapes from the fifites are back again. Take a look at these. The chair 'Spaghetti' from Walk On Water. I love the sunchair from italian Coro called 'CLS01'. News from Patricia Urquiola and Moroso this year 'Tropicalia'. The last

Monday, June 2, 2008

An old school desk painted blue

The old school desk reminds me of my own rural school back in 1976. This one does not have the ink well holes.My mother-in-law had them painted in blue and I love to sit there and chat. There are a couple of desks in the porch that has white and blue rails.Please visit Anna's Project Blue to see how the world keeps spinning blue in many other blogs.