Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Toy Room to Teen Room Transformation!

My children are entering the teen years now. As they grow and change the needs of our home have changed as well. One of the bedrooms over our garage had been a "toy room", filled with plastic Little Tikes Kitchens, Legos and Trains- a place for forts and building castles. My teenage daughter suggested that we re-decorate the "Toy Room" to be more Teen Friendly. I agreed and so (sadly for Mom) we

The Language of Flowers

Just about everyone has at one time or another, given flowers as a way of expressing a sentiment: "I love you." "Forgive me." "Congratulations!" "Happy Birthday!" "Happy Anniversary!" "I'm sorry for your loss"...But did you know that individual flowers each have their own meaning,many dating back to Victorian era?The beautifully fragrant Lilac, a bush not easily grown here in the South, stands

beautiful arrangement

It's beautiful delivery downtown montreal

Sprayfärga glasflaskor ?

Såg ni 'Äntligen hemma' häromdagen med Karin Mannerståls kakfat. Hon byggde kakfat av gammalt loppisporslin genom att klistra prylarna ovanpå varandra och sen sprayade vita med speciell färg för glas. Hur fint som helst och en kul idé. Om man gillar den mer minimalistiska stilen kanske man kunde göra något liknande med flaskor. Har inte testat men det borde gå, jag har satt upp det på min

{ The winner is... }

Do you remember this giveaway?  The winner is chosen on, and... Congratulations, Kjersti! Please send me you address to nina(at)stylizimo(dot)comThanks to everybody else who participated!Images: Nina Holst

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Realistic Custom Silk Wedding Flowers

Realistic Custom Silk Wedding FlowersRealistic Custom Silk Wedding Flowers

{ Happy Halloween! }

Are you celebrating Halloween this weekend? As a Norwegian in USA I have to say that there is a huge difference between how we celebrate in Norway and USA. Here in LA it's decoration in almost every garden and house (lots!), and most people dress up in a costume and walk in a Halloween parade. I have to admit that I haven't decorated our apartment that much. I'm really not into the orange and

Friday, October 29, 2010

Silk Wedding Flower Bouquets

silk flower wedding bouquetssilk flower wedding bouquets

{ Halloween: table setting }

I know it's a little early to decorate the table for Halloween, but yesterday was my only chance since we have other plans this weekend. It was kind of fun to do something different, and I like the dramatic look our dining table got. With a black tablecloth, some pumpkins, pine cones and candles on the table we are all set for a "Halloween dinner"!I made some cute notes in each bowl using gift

Thursday, October 28, 2010

{ DIY: Halloween decoration! }

One of the members on has uploaded some very cool Halloween decoration that I want to show you...She used an orange instead of a pumpkin! How smart is that? Have you decorated for Halloween yet?If you want to upload your Halloween decoration on, you can do it here. I would LOVE to see it! You can see more photos of her decoration here, or you can visit here lovely blog

Ännu mer Guts...

Louise Svensson kör inte bara svart och vitt utan även brunt, grått, betong, slitet trä och en del rostigt. Helt enkelt lite mer ruff och rå känsla. Foto Jonny Lindh.Louise Svensson also have some styling that really is rough and tough with concrete, wood and steel - much more guts! Images from Jonny Lindh.

Enkelt och snyggt med magkänsla

Har ni sett nya stylisten Louise Svenssons sköna stil. Louise driver företaget Guts som fått sitt namn från de två viktigaste ingredienserna i hennes arbete - mod och magkänsla. Härligt med allt det svarta och vita, måste helt enkelt ta till ett av mina favorituttryck - Enkelt och snyggt! Foto Jonny Lindh. Via Trendenser.Take a look at the new swedish stylist Louise Svensson from Guts. No need to

{ The interior shop: "Kremmerhuset" }

The Norwegian store "Kremmerhuset" is really worth a visit if you're ever in Norway. They always have their store filled with great stuff and as I can see from their website, this fall isn't any exception.I've put together some of my favorites so you can see for yourself.If you want to see more of their collection you can click here.( Their site is unfortunately only in Norwegian, but you can

Wednesday, October 27, 2010





{ DIY: Ice candle }

My creative mom made this beautiful ice candle with tulips. I think it's so lovely and I want to share the idea with you.This is how you can make your own: 1. Fill up a big bucket with cold water.2. Put flowers, pine cones, twigs etc. in the bucket3. Then but a smaller bucket inside the other bucket to make a hole for the candle.4. Put something heavy on the top, or use tape to hold the little

Mitt senaste inköp - vasen Focus

Jag får ganska många mail med frågor om vilka saker jag tycker är snyggast, vilket bord som är det snyggaste eller vilken vas jag tycker bäst om eller vilken fåtölj som är den snyggaste av alla... Alltså frågor om detaljer snarare än hela inredningsstilar eller ren inspiration som jag oftast brukar skriva om. Jag uppskattar frågorna, men det är väldigt svårt att svara, eftersom även om jag har

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And That's Where I've Been...

Why are hospital rooms so uninspiring? It's been a crazy few weeks. I have been in and out of the hospital and had lots of tests. Luckily we have ruled out all the major ailments - and for that I feel very blessed. I have spent a lot of time at home nesting... I promise to be back soon when I am back on my feet with photos of some of my new projects. xx-Gina

Stora marockanska mässingsfat

Den här helgen drog mannen med mig på matmässa i Malmö - Älska Mat. Medan han rusade rakt på ostronen fastnade jag så klart bland pralinerna. Criollos choklad hade lagt upp sina läckerheter på vackra marockanska mässingsfat. Fat som är perfekta att servera på men också vackra som prydnad. Mässing är ett klart underskattat material men som man börjar se mer och mer av just nu. Riktigt snyggt till

{ Decorating walls }

I find it kind of hard to decorate walls sometimes because I like to change the look very often, and I don't want to make a lot of holes in the wall. Therefore I've fallen for these shelves where you can put different decorations, and when you get tired of the look you easily can replace the items with something else.This is how the shelves in our living room looks like right now Magazines can be

Monday, October 25, 2010

Slitet kontra modernt i skön förening, kanske är det du..

Jag är väldigt fascinerad av olika sorters stil. Den här, ja vad ska man kalla den, slottsdekadens kanske, har jag blandade känslor inför. Det är egentligen för slitet för min smak, men den tilltalar mig ändå för den har något vackert och spännande över sig. Men tänk den här stilen tillsammans med den i Illums Bolighus skyltfönster med det fyrkantiga järnbordet med träskiva och detaljer i stickat

{ Light and pretty apartment }

Isn't this Swedish apartment charming? I see a lot of things in this home that I LOVE;I ♡ the shelves in the bedroomI ♡ all the whiteI ♡ the lightI ♡ the wallpaper behind the bedI ♡ the kitchen lamp I ♡ the floorI ♡ the cosinessI ♡ the jars in the kitchen cabinet I ♡ the  book shelvesI ♡ the grey sheep hide I ♡ everything in the kids room! I ♡ the bathroom What do you think of this apartment? Do

Sunday, October 24, 2010

San Francisco Flowers

San Francisco is an extraordinary place for many reasons but one of its plethoras is those street sides flowers. These excellent flowers add extra beauty to their streets, homes and offices. These beautiful San Francisco flowers will help you if you are looking for a marvelous gift for some special events or some arrangements. Jane’s Roses can save the day for you by providing last minute San

{ Black & white beauty }

In the Swedish interior magazine "Skona Hem" this month they show us the fancy home of Annaleena who's authoring the blog "Hem". I've been following her blog for a while, and I really like Annaleena's rough and clean style, and she has some great creative ideas when it comes to home decoration.This is the pictures they showed in Skona Hem, but you can see more on her own blog here.I love the

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ett hus utöver det vanliga

Det är inte var dag man får syn på ett hus med så här annorlunda och häftig arkitektur. Det här huset med sina vackra och rundade former passar förvånansvärt bra in i naturen. Byggt i betong men med vackra detaljer i trä. Lägg märke till trädäcket, vilket arbete! Naturen i bakgrunden ser nästan svensk ut men det här är så klart ett hus i Japan. Arkitekten heter Kotaro Ide. Bilderna kommer från

{ Thank you! }

First, I want to thank you all for all the nice compliments on my painting that I showed you yesterday. I'm happy to hear that you like it! Some of you asked me if I could show you more details of the painting, so I have uploaded some photos on for you to see.How is your weekend so far? Any exciting plans?I went to Ikea yesterday, and I got very disappointed when I realised that

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chelsea Fc ( 2 ) Vs Wolv. Wanderers ( 0 )

Chelsea Kokoh Di Puncak KlasmenSabtu , 23 Oktober 201023.00 WibTidak ada kata yang lebih patut diucapkan untuk permainan manis Chelsea saat Menghadapi Wolv. Dengan Sumbangan Gol dari Malouda dan Kalou ,Chelsea Semakin kokoh dipuncak klasmen dengan mengkoleksi 22 Point. Goal indah tercipta dari permainan satu dua pemain tengah dan depan Chelsea . >> Cuplikan Goal Chelsea Vs Wolv Klasmen Sementara

Chelsea Fc ( 2 ) Vs Wolv. Wanderers ( 0 )

Chelsea Kokoh Di Puncak KlasmenSabtu , 23 Oktober 201023.00 WibTidak ada kata yang lebih patut diucapkan untuk permainan manis Chelsea saat Menghadapi Wolv. Dengan Sumbangan Gol dari Malouda dan Kalou ,Chelsea Semakin kokoh dipuncak klasmen dengan mengkoleksi 22 Point. Goal indah tercipta dari permainan satu dua pemain tengah dan depan Chelsea . >> Cuplikan Goal Chelsea Vs Wolv Klasmen Sementara

Dekorera med grönsaker i trädgården

Med tanke på förra inlägget så tänkte jag att jag själv skulle höst dekorera lite i trädgården, men jag vill ju gärna ha det lite mer modernt. Något som passar in med min betongstil. Fick för mig att jag skulle använda grönsaker istället för de klassiska prydnadskålen eller krukorna med krysantemum. Grönsaker är ju så vackra i sig. Så jag for iväg till grönsakshandlaren och så här blev det hela.

{ Make your own paintings }

Painting has been a hobby of mine many years now, and I really enjoy doing it. I also like the fact that I'm saving a lot of money by painting my own paintings, and I get it exactly how I want it and in the colors that I want. It really isn't that difficult as some of you might think. You should give it a try! This one is one of my latest paintings, and it fits very well into my living room right

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Höstfint när allting bara står och faller

Hösten kan vara riktigt mysig och det är skönt att bara glömma bort alla krav på trädgårdsklippning och annat. Man kan bara låta allt stå och falla och det blir fint i sig. Vill man ändå fixa lite så kan en liten kruka med höstblommor eller en enkel krans av kvistar och grenar från trädgården bli riktigt fint. Själv ställer jag gärna ut lite lyktor och tänder i mörkret. Bilder från fotograf

{ Photographer Amanda McLauchlan }

Today I want to share these wonderful photos of the Australian photographer Amanda McLauchlan with you. Her photos are all so lovely and the interior is very nice too! I think the wood and the calm colors in these photos are just perfect for this time of the year.Have you heard about her before? What do you think about her work?You can see my posts of other photographers here.Images: Amanda

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Smart förvaring i plast

Ska erkänna att när jag hörde att Hammarplast skulle föreläsa på vår bloggträff förra helgen, tänkte jag direkt - plast, usch, nej det är verkligen inget för mig. Men jag blev väldigt positivt överraskad. Dels över att deras system med hyllor och backar faktiskt inte alls är så dumt, på rätt ställe, och dels för att deras inspirationsbilder är riktigt snygga. Hurra för bra styling! Bilder från

{ House Doctor }

House Doctor is hearted by many people - including me. Their collection is very cool, and a bit different from the rest. Every product they have is real eye-candy and I really wish they sold it here in the US.What do you think about the House Doctor collection? Images: Car Mobel

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Thanksgiving Flowers

Thanksgiving is around the corner. As you write your shopping list for all the Holiday fixings don't forget to order beautiful flower table centerpiece from Discount Flower Delivery Today. We have several styles to pick from. No matter which flowers you choose they will go beautifully with all your table decor. Our flowers are also high quality and are guaranteed to stay fresh through the holiday



Eller fåglar i en något modernare stil...

kanske också lite svårare att göra men det är väl bara att göra ett försök, den som vågar. Här hade jag nog kört med overhead för att få rätt på dimensionerna. Bild från fotograf Magnus Anesund.

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Spooky Halloween Bouquets

Not everyone thinks about buying discount flowers for Halloween when decorating for the holiday. It not only will look great as part of your Halloween decor but also makes a delightful gift for someone you know who loves the holiday. At Discount Flower Delivery Today we have several styles to choose from. From ghosts and black spiders to pumpkins and black witches there is something for everyone!

Måla egna dekorationer på väggarna

Jag har alltid tyckt att det är lite kul med väggmålningar och har även använt mig av det i några kontorsinredningar jag gjort. De har visserligen varit i en helt annan stil än de här. Fåglar, blommor och andra små detaljer lättar upp och intrycket blir lite sött och feminint. Tycker man om att måla kan man ge sig på det här själv. Det vara ett kul sätt att få något personligt och udda till sitt

{ Table setting in purple }

On Friday we invited my boyfriend's family for tapas. I totally forgot to take pictures after I put all the food on the table, because I was so stressed to get everything ready before they came. You probably know how it is - cooking and fixing all day!But I took some pictures of the table earlier that day as I like to set the table a bit early, so I don't have to stress with it in the last minute

Monday, October 18, 2010

Over-The-Top Weddings

Expensive celebrity weddings are nothing new. But perhaps you'd be surprised to know just HOW expensive some have been. The average American couple will spend approximately $28,000 for their wedding. Let's see what a million-dollar wedding "budget" will get you:Paul McCartney and Heather Mills: $3 millionPaul and Heather were married at the 1000 acre Castle Leslie in Ireland. Heather came down

Det var såklart ett Dinesen...

Ibland blir jag så trött på att se det klassiska gamla ekgolvet som finns hemma hos var och annan. Själv har jag ett lönngolv men det är egentligen samma sak. Blir trist svenskt på något sätt. Snyggt är det ju förstås med de målade brädgolven men alla bor ju inte i äldre hus. I våras när vi var och kikade på den danske kronprinsens nyrenoverade representationsbostad och hans fantastiska

{ Open House }

Every now and then I go and look at houses that are for sale here in LA. It's fun to see all the big and expensive houses and dream a little. This Sunday we went to see a huge glass house that is for sale up in the hills. I like modern houses but this house was too contemporary for my taste. Although it's fun to see what you can get for 12 mill. dollars!  View from the garden and the

Sunday, October 17, 2010

{ Lombok - natural beauty! }

I wanted to show you this gorgeous knitted throw that I saw in the latest Elle Decoration UK, but when I entered Lombok's website (where they sell the throw) I discovered so many other beautiful things. So to show you some of this, I've put together some of my favorites, including the grey knitted throw. Do you see anything you like? You can find Lombok's homepage here.Wish you a great Sunday!

Karim Rashids hem i New York

Ingen kan i alla fall beskylla designern Karim Rashid för att ha ett hem som ser ut som alla andras. Det här är en man som kan det där med att ta ut svängarna. Hans hem i New York är nästan barnsligt lekfullt och färgglatt och definitivt något ut över det vanliga. Bilder från Sköna Hem.Skön söndag allihop!Karim Rashid is really something extra, take a look at his New York home. Its playful and

Saturday, October 16, 2010

{ Happy Saturday! }

Hello friends! I hope you will have a wonderful Saturday. Any special plans for today? I'm going to a piano concert of a friend of mine today. I'm also going to spend time with my boyfriend's family who are visiting from Norway. We have lots of plans the following days, and I'm very excited!Enjoy!Image: Nina Holst

Friday, October 15, 2010


Hasil Pertandingan Lainnya >>>


Hasil Pertandingan Lainnya >>>

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Flowers

Discount flower delivery today will provide you with all of your flower needs. No matter what the occasion, you can count on discount flower delivery today to bring you all of your fresh flowers! If you are hosting a large event, or having a small get together with family and friends, you can order just the right amount of flowers for your event. You'll never go to another flower shop after

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Taking Care of Your Flowers

When you order flowers from discount flower delivery today there are several tricks you need to know to keep your flowers fresh. Once you receive your flowers, crush up some aspirin and put it into the water that you have your flowers in. The aspirin will help keep your flowers fresh for weeks longer. Not many people know this little trick, so you can keep it up your sleeve for all of your dinner

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Roses

Roses are typically the flower that is given on Valentine's Day. This Valentine's day, give your special someone two dozen fresh red roses to show your love. These roses will stay fresh for weeks, and will make your special someone feel your love. Roses are a beautiful reminder of the love that you share between you and your soul mate. Don't let your special someone feel left out this Valentine's

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Getting Flowers

Giving flowers is a great way to show that you love someone. Women especially love to receive flowers on all sorts of occasions. Getting flowers for special occasions, birthdays, days of achievements, and just to say I Love You are all valid reasons to give someone flowers. Discount flower delivery today wants to help you tell your special someone that you love them. The next time you want to say

Premiärvisning av Kvänum

Igår var Linda och jag på premiärvisning av Kvänums nya lokaler på Östergatan i Malmö. Det var mycket folk, kändisar (Jonas Lindvall, skånefruar, MaxJenny Forslund, Stefan Eriksson m fl) och naturligtvis tjusiga kök. Trendgruppens Stefan Nilsson pratade om trender när det gäller kök. Tror att vi hört det förut - trä, rustikt, furu, bakning och odla grönsaker var några av ledorden... nytt och lite

{ DIY: Silver plate makeover }

I believe almost everything can be painted, therefore I paint all the things that I'm tired of in a new color. This time it's one of my silver plates that got a makeover. I have two of them, and one of them was too shiny and I never used it, so I have now painted the plate in BLACK! It's so COOL now, and I'm super happy with it! The silver plate cost me $3 at a goodwill store, so it's not that

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Discount Flower Delivery Today - Welcome

Welcome to the Discount Flower Delivery Today blog!

{ Niki Jones - New Autumn/Winter collection 2010 }

Have you seen the newest autumn/winter collection from Niki Jones yet? It's fabulous and it has lots of happy colors - just what we need to spice up our autumn look!What do you think of their newest collection? Is this something you could bring into your home?I would love to have some of those pillows - they are so lovely!Today my boyfriend's father is coming from Norway to visit us here in LA .

Snabbrunda i Köpenhamn

I morse skulle jag köra mannen till Kastrup och då fick jag bara ett infall. Nej, nu kör jag in till stan... och så blev det. En snabb sväng in i Köpenhamn för att shoppa lite och kolla inredning. Ett givet skyltfönster man inte får missa är Illums Bolighus. De brukar sätta den senaste trenden och det med en stor dos stil. Nu med neutraler som beige, brunt, grått och och benvitt. Naturliga

{ A lovely shopping street! }

Last Saturday I went to one of my favorite shopping streets her in LA - Abbot Kinney Blvd in Venice. The street is packed with interior shops and other fun boutiques, and it's such an adventure to look around there.I took some pictures of the two that was cutest from the outside, so you can get the feeling... BountifulTumbleweed and DandelionDo you have a favorite shopping street or shopping mall

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nice Arrangement

It's very nice arrangement.ftd florists montreal downtown

Rockchict på hotell Malmen

Vi hade faktiskt en svit den här helgen på hotell Scandic Malmen, jag, Jannice och Linda. Men det var inte den som är med på översta bilden som är en pressbild på deras bästa rum. Vårt rum var också fint men betydligt mindre. Lägg märke till vilken skillnad det är på mina bilder och deras lyxiga pressbild. Inte bara bild kvaliteten, även om den är rätt uppenbar, utan hur annorlunda jag upplevde

{ 8 tips on Autumn decoration }

I guess most of you are already done and happy with your Autumn decoration, but if some of you are not and need some tips, I have 8 tips today that might help you...If you want to see other post I have about fall, click here.Carpe Diem!Images: Nina Holst

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Extra kul just idag

I dag har Tina från bloggen Komma Hem har ett stort reportage med massor av bilder från mitt hem. Jättekul! Kika gärna på det här. har nominerat Purple Area till Malmös bästa blogg! Gå gärna in och rösta på Purple Area här!

Spaning på stan i Stockholm

Wow, vilken helg... är helt slut. Men så kul vi har haft. Träffade ett mindre bloggäng på lördagen för massor av inspirerande bloggsnack. Det var Charlotte, Henrick, Jannice, Linda, Sara, Annika m fl. Delade dessutom rum med Jannice och Linda så kvällen med god middag blev förlängd till prat, skratt och analyserande till sent på natten. Så kul och så mycket energi man får av att bara träffas.

{ Photographer Morten Holtum gives us fall... }

I have showed you some work of the Danish photographer Morten Holtum before, but I recently saw these ones, and I thought they were perfect inspiration for this season...I LOVE these cosy and warm photos! Do you enjoy them? Images: Morten Holtum

Monday, October 11, 2010

{ 10 things I love from "DAY Home" }

I'm a big fan of the Danish brand DAY Birger et Mikkelsen, and there are a lot of things in their new Home Collection that I would love to have in my home.To give you a taste of this collection, I have therefore put together my favorite 10 things...  Do you see anything that you like?Or do you maybe have one or two of these goodies already? Images: DAY Birger et Mikkelsen / Collage: Nina Holst

{ Ikea pillow with a twist }

Hello friends! How did the weekend treat you? Mine was great, including the Jack Johnson concert on Friday! He is truly amazing and so is the Hollywood Bowl.Do you remember when I painted "HOME SWEET HOME" on an Ikea pillow? Well, I'm still very happy with that one, but I thought I could do something on the other side of the pillow as well. This way I can just turn the pillow when I want

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Silk Bridal Bouquets and Wedding Flowers

Silk Bridal Bouquets and Wedding Flowers custom designed for your Wedding Party including Attendants Bouquets

{ Doing the little extra... }

Look at these cute details! I would be extremely happy if I got a gift with a cute ribbon or lace tape like the examples underneath. Details are appreciated by most, and it's nice to do something extra whether it is for others or yourself... Little button jar  Present ribbonsLace sticky tape Brown sugar heartsThat sugar heart and the little button jar are both adorable, and would be a lovely gift

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bloggträff i Stockholm

Idag är jag på väg till Stockholm för den stora bloggträffen på söndag med Frida, Trendgruppen och ett stort gäng inredningsbloggare. Ska bli otroligt spännande att träffa alla och se vad det nu är för något kul som presenteras den här gången. Det blir dessutom en något mindre träff med några bloggare redan ikväll. Har mina favorittidningar med mig som förströelse på planet - Rum (den danska),

{ Candles & Pine Cones }

Just dropping by to wish you a great day, and to show you one more idea on how to decorate with a jar. You can see the ideas I've posted earlier here, here and here.  Happy Saturday!Image: Nina Holst

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pretty In Pink & Closet Envy!

I was browsing the listings in Boston and came across this fabulous home. Though not generally a fan of pink, I had to share this wonderful room with you. The architectural detail was lovely. The shade of pink was just perfect. Loved the crystal chandelier! Such a sweet room. Here is a close up of the moulding details, notice the ceiling. Just dreamy!The house also boasted the most magnificent

{ Mood board }

Hello to YOU, hello FRIDAY and hello PURPLE! I felt like making a mood board again because it's so much FUN and it really let your creativity flow. This time I made one in purple, black, grey and white, because these are the colors I heart the most right now.I'm really exited today, because I'm going to a concert with Jack Johnson at the Hollywood Bowl tonight! The concert is outdoors and you

Thursday, October 7, 2010

{ Cox & Cox }

I fell in love with these beauties from Cox & Cox's online shop, This store really has a lot of smashing things for our homes! "Cox & Cox embraces the heartfelt philosophy that it is possible to create a home that is both beautiful and practical, offering a fresh escape from the norm. The product range has influences from all over the globe and takes inspiration from childhood memories, but often

Skrivplats i vardagsrummet

Det här känns som en 70-tals idé men den är faktiskt inte är så dum. Det kan vara att man inte får plats med ett arbetsrum eller blivit trött på att sitta vid köksbordet eller i soffan. Skrivhörna i vardagsrummet är riktigt smart speciellt om man som jag har skolbarn som gärna gör läxorna efter träningen på kvällen och då helst vill sitta där resten av familjen finns. Laptopen i knät i all ära

{ Making it pretty for our guests }

I don't know if it's because of the rainy weather here in LA, but this week seems so looooong! I can't wait for it to be weekend again - can you? We had some friends over for dinner last night, and here are some pictures of our dining table before they arrived. I decorated it with block candles, pine cones, a pumpkin and some small flowers from my hydrangea, and the napkins are folded in a "basic

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

{ Latest news from Ikea! }

If you like stars, you will love Ikea's Christmas collection this year! As far as I can remember I think this has to be their best Christmas collection ever - I love it, and I want it now! Actually, the best part of the collection, is that you can use a lot of it all-year-around, because most of their Christmas collection is with stars. It looks more like the "New England style" to me - and that

Rosa Bandet

Kryss i taket - Susann har gjort ett kollage! Inte var dag, men igår fick jag en rosa kudde i posten från Mio för att de vill att jag ska pusha för rosa kampanjen. Och det gör jag så klart gärna, det är ju för en god sak. Kudden passade perfekt i min röd-rosa-orange kuddhörna i soffan. Eftersom Pethra och Charlotte har dragit igång Pink Project som uppmanar alla bloggare att visa sin personliga

{ DIY: Ikea candle makeover }

I bought this purple scented light from Ikea a while a ago, and I never got it to fit in with the rest of my candle holders because of the color. So I decided to paint it grey, and I am happy to say that it now fits in so much better.. What do you think?Have you ever painted candle holders or vases etc. that you're not happy with?Enjoy your day!Images: Nina Holst

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kul med stickat

Sticktrenden kom ju för något år sedan, men man kan väl inte säga att den slagit riktigt, kanske är vi bara lite för lata för att sticka. Men om du gillar att sticka så titta på de här bilderna. Någon har verkligen tagit åt sig konceptet, inte bara kuddar och pläd utan titta på även på vaserna och lampskärmen. Klockan kommer från Carlo Tamborini och finns hos bl a The Conran Shop. If you are good

Romantic Wedding Flowers Bouquets

wedding flower bouquetswedding flower bouquetsWedding bouquet is important for wedding,flowers are always the most romantic things in the world especially for wedding,Below I will show you some beautiful Wedding bouquet pictures and ideas.

{ Ferm Living }

The blog "Hviit" is writing about a calendar today from Ferm Living andasks us whether or not they should take it into their store. I say, YES!They also ask if we could tell them about our favorites from Ferm Living, soI made this collage with MY favorites. Do you have any favorites? You can find their website here.I had a post about some of their wallstickers last month that you can see

{ A delightful home }

I found this home so charming and adorable that I need to share it with you. I hope you like it, and that it will give you some inspiration...I ♡ the romantic lookI ♡ the light roomsI ♡ the knitting basketI ♡ the chandelierI ♡ the wooden floorI ♡ the cute home office I ♡ the "carpe diem" sign over the bedI ♡ the the rug in the kitchenI ♡ all the whiteI ♡ the details in the hallwayWhat do you love

Monday, October 4, 2010

Matbord i valnöt?

Här kommer ett svar till en läsare som i förra inlägget efterfrågade ett bord i massiv valnöt och undrade varför det är så svårt att få tag i. Jag tror att det beror på två saker, dels att det går trender i träslag och valnöt har stuckit upp lite då och då men aldrig under så lång tid. Därmed inte sagt att det är ute. Tror att för tillfället funkar alla träslag lika bra, (nu handlar det mer om

A Coastal Dream by Catalano Architects

Houses by the ocean always seem to draw me in. I love the shingle style architecture - and no one does it better than our friends at Catalano Architects. This particular house has incorporated a lighthouse theme.Notice the "lighthouse" in this closer up photo. As usual, no detail was overlooked inside or out. You enter the home via a gorgeous cobblestone edged driveway. The back of the home is



{ Bringing nature to the bathroom }

Natural details are as you probably know very popular at the moment, so today I thought I would show you some ideas on how we can bring them into our bathrooms. The warm color of wood makes the room look calm and more cosy and that's what we need this time of year, right?Do you have any wood in your bathroom? Images: Housetohome

Underbara grå

Det har väl knappast undgått någon att jag älskar grått. Därför är det extra kul när jag hittar bilder som dessa med en inredning med grå bas i botten. Gillar också att man satt till rosa och grönt. Det ger både en extra studs och känns samtidigt inte som att det tar död på det grå. Bilder från fotograf Ditte Isager.I think everyone who use to read this blog know that I love grey. Thats why I

{ DIY: Pimping up an Ikea pillow }

 Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed whatever you were doing. LA wasn't as sunny as I was hoping for, so I've been doing some creative things in our apartment instead.I have seen that many of you have these cute pillows with letters and phrases on them, and I wanted to have something similar. So I went over to Ikea and bought a white linen pillow, and I pimped

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Deconstruct a Bunch

At Bloomers, we often run Build-A-Bunch specials where customers may select their own flowers to take home. But what happens once those flowers arrive home?Deconstruct!First, think outside the box, er, vase.Look around your house for unusual containers; things that you may not necessarily associate with flowers. Think pitchers, tea cups, mixing bowls, mason jars, even assorted pretty tins...Lay

DIY - Pyssla med bokstäver

Kuddar, bokstäver och festliga citat. Är man lite pysslig så är det ju inte så svårt att själv göra egna kuddar eller tavlor med några väl valda vitsigheter. Filttyg, schabloner och textilfärg liknande de på bilderna hittar du på Panduro Hobby, Stoff och Stil metallschabloner på Broarne m fl. Bilder och idé Rum.If you like the idea with letters or fun quotes on pillows or pictures, its easy to do

{ Make your own wine rack }

I have to show you this gorgeous wine rack, because I know that many of your are quite handy, so maybe this wine rack is something that you might want to challenge yourself with? As I've said before,wood is the hottest trend right now, so I guess this wine rack would make your home super trendy! It seems to me that the rack is made of beams that are glued or screwed together, and the holes

Saturday, October 2, 2010

{ My best flea market finds! }

Norwegian Interior Blogs (NIB) have a new challenge on their website this November, and this time they want us to submit pictures of our flea market finds. I love going to flea markets to search for those hidden treasures, so challenge accepted *smile*. I have however still not found those big furniture items that I'm hoping to find yet, but I know they are out there somewhere.So for now I would

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wedding Flower Bouques and Bridal Bouquet

Wedding Flower Bouques and Bridal BouquetWedding Flower Bouques and Bridal BouquetThe beauty and fragrance of flowers in combination with the use of natural light, candle light and lighting fixtures sets or enhances your wedding theme. If you've always planned to be married in a romantic paradise, set the scene with soft lighting and warm or pastel shades of pink, lilac, creamy white, gold-tones

The Wedding Tips & Flower Ideas

The Planning a wedding is fun and exciting. However, many of us are so busy working that we may not be able to execute the plans efficiently resulting in a lot of stress. That is why having a wedding checklist is a good idea, and you can get checklists from the Internet and amend them to suit your wedding

IKEAs blogg

Har ni sett att Ikea har startat en blogg, ja den kallas inte för blogg utan bara för 'Livet hemma'. Varför kan man ju fråga sig, är ordet blogg för negativt kanske? Den kombineras med ett utrymme där man kan köpa och sälja gamla ikea möbler, ett chatrum och man kan även själv ladda upp bilder och filmer. Nedan några inspirationsbilder på temat kök.IKEA Sweden has now a blog of their own, its

{ DIY: Make your own decorations! }

Yesterday I was a guest writer on Design Refuge, and I shared some ideas on how you can make non-traditional candle decorations that are related to fall. We all like to light more candles now that we have darker nights, right? So why not get creative with vegetables - they can be very decorative!As you can see, I used a small pumpkin, an artichoke and some asparagus to get a cosy fall-looking