Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fyra otroliga år
Idag är det otroligt nog fyra år sen jag började blogga, fyra år sedan jag skrev mitt första inlägg. Minns att jag tyckte att det var lite läskigt men också jättespännande att skriva något som sen vem som helst kunde läsa. Inte för att jag trodde att någon skulle läsa eller ens hitta hit. Under en tid hade jag läst Husmusen och blivit fascinerad av Fridas härliga inlägg. Jag visste inte då att
{ Give away! }
Yesterday I talked about how much mood boards inspire me, but my #1 inspiration is you! It is so inspiring to get all the lovely feedback from you, and I'm so grateful for each and every visit and comment I get!Therefore I want to give something back to show my appreciation with a give away!I know that many of you like garlands, so now you have the chance to win this lovely garland in yellow,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
{ TIPS: How to find inspiration! }
Do you ever make mood boards or inspirational boards? It's actually great fun and it's very inspiring and helpful!I created this mood board yesterday to help me get more inspiration to my blogging...This mood board is made particularly for this autumn and it's supposed to express how I want my blog to appear, and what I want to focus on. I arranged everything on the table and took a picture of it
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Grå grå krukor
Grå krukor och gröna växter är ett vinnande koncept som funkar både utomhus och inomhus. Belgiska Atelier Vierkant håller sig till en gråskala från beige till mörk grå i sina krukor. Riktigt snyggt att blanda. Formerna är raka eller runda, enkla utan för mycket dekorationer. Min stil mitt i prick. Gillar gröna växter och lite grövre krukor i enkel form. Tror visserligen inte att just de här går
{ Made myself some new candleholders... }
Do you remember the jar ideas from Pottery Barn that I showed you last week? I went off the day after and bought two jars at Ikea and filled them with some dried heather and a block candle. Quite decorative don't you think? I have some more ideas of what I can fill the jars with, and I will show them to you when I have them ready...So are you all enjoying fall so far? We have had 106 ºF ( 41 ºC )
Monday, September 27, 2010
{ Table setting }
I love having people over for dinner, and even if it's just a weekday I like to set the table nicely so my guests feel welcome. Last time I did a little extra with the napkins; I tied a twine around the napkin and I added some dried heather underneath. It gave the table a touch of autumn and made it a lot more cosy and welcoming...I didn't use these rules, but here you have the basic rules for
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Med grafisk känsla
Tänk det kan man nästan se, att ägarna till det här hemmet är grafiska formgivare. För det har en grafisk känsla i sitt formspråk och med en skön färgkombination av vitt, svart och natur blir det stramt vackert. Mixen retro tillsammans med vitmålade brädor blir en lite ovanlig men väl fungerande kombination. Från ett reportage i Sköna Hem.Its easy to see that they owner of this house are working
{ The sweetness of Sundays... }
Just popping by to wish everyone a lovely day! We have a sunny weekend here in LA, so I attend to spend most of my day outside this Sunday. What are you doing today? Yesterday we made pancakes and freshly made strawberry jam for lunch - it was SO GOOD!I haven't eaten pancakes for a long time, so it was a big moment for me *smile*Do you eat pancakes often? Images: Nina Holst / Stylizimo
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Off Season on the Island!
This weekend Dave and I are in Martha's Vineyard to attend a wedding. What a beautiful place the island is, especially during the off season when most of the summer crowds have gone. Here are a few photos of the Harbor View Hotel in Edgartown where the wedding will take place. Weddings always stir up feelings of happiness, hope and excitement for the future. It's turning out to be the most
Wedding Flower Bouquet Speciality
Wedding Flowers can range from traditional white bouquets to large floral sprays and bridesmaids accessories. Your selections should complement the season, your gown, and your overall color scheme. They should also complement your attendants' attire, and the style and formality of your wedding. If you have a favorite flower, build your bouquet around it and include it in all your arrangements.
{ Stylish at # 5 }
Have you been on lately? Have you seen all those great inspiration pictures people have uploaded of their homes? I love peaking into other homes, it gives me so much inspiration!Well today I want to share this fabulous hallway in "Norwegian Moods's" home. Lucky her to have this wonderful and enormous hallway. Notice the big photo of the musicians she has on the wall and the cool
Friday, September 24, 2010
Big white green arrangement
It's really nice white arrangement.It's good for the funeral or mariage.ftd montreal florists delivery
{ DIY: Decorative labelling! }
I've seen that some of you bloggers have labelled your jars with Dymo labels. I found the idea so clever and pretty that I now have bought myself a Dymo machine and labelled all my jars in the kitchen.If you like the idea you should try it too - it's very easy!I'm very happy with the result, and I can't wait to find some more things I can label!It's so much FUN!Do you have a Dymo machine? What do
Thursday, September 23, 2010
{ Photographer Anders Schonnemann }
Danish photographer Anders Schonnemann truly impresses me - his portfolio is fabulous! I gathered these mystical and delightful fall / wintry pictures for you today, so you can get a peek of some of his wonderful work.Have you heard of Anders Schonnemann before? What do you think of his work?You can view my other posts about photographers here.Images: Anders Schonnemann
Höstnyheter från Ferm Living
Några nyheter från Ferm Living den här hösten.... ny retroinspirerad tapet, kuddar, kalender som wallstickers, virkade förvaringskorgar, kemiflaskor och fina askar. Färgskalan går i petroleum och gult. Pressbilder från Ferm Living.Autumn news from Ferm Living (calendar stickers, wallpaper, chemistry bottles, baskets, boxes and pilows).
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fresh Flowers Delivery
Flowers are certainly one of the most beautiful things in nature. People love the sight of fresh flowers delivery because it can provide a feeling of relaxation. Apparently, this is also the reason why spring season is loved because everything is blooming and full of fresh blossoms. These fresh blooms can give off beautiful colors and fragrance. In addition to promotion of relaxation, these
A Quick Cambridge Kitchen Redo!
Not all projects that I am involved with are huge in scope. Remember the Cambridge Workman's Cottage? You can read all about it here. It is a wonderful home that my dear friend, Leonard, renovated. Years before when budgets were tight a simple renovation was done to the kitchen. Here is the before. Cabinets were painted and new stainless appliances were purchased but the kitchen was largely as
Concert at TAD AKERS September 23!
Come enjoy the beautiful singing voice of Beth Wood tomorrow evening at TAD AKERS Event Facility in League City! What a wonderful way to spend an otherwise boring, regular Thursday evening......See you there! Visit for further information.
{ 5 ways to decorate with hanging jars }
I'm always looking for pretty candle holders because they are usually very decorative and I can't really get enough of them. I found these hanging jars at Pottery Barn's website and I love the idea on how you can just fill them up with different stuff around the candle like you see here... Aren't they lovely? My favorite is the one with the hazelnuts! Which one is yours?I also think it would be
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Glasvaser och sommarens sista blommor
Som jag nämnt tidigare är jag väldigt förtjust i glasvaser. Här är några vackra bilder på temat. Kanske man kan ta in sommarens sista blommor och inspireras av dessa bilder till något liknande arrangemang. Bilder från fotograf Marjon Hoogervorst.As I have told you before, I love glass vases. Here some inspiration images from Marjon Hoogervorst.
Lantlig minimalism i Holland
Det här hemmet som ligger i St Maartensbrug i Holland har en skön mix mellan det minimalistiska och det lantliga. För visst är det här minimalism i alla sin enkelhet även om det också har en lantligt charmigt med rustika kristallkronor och en doft av gammalt sekelskifte. Den mörkgrå färgen, krispigt vitt och vindpinade möbler... härligt. Bilder från fotograf Hotze Eisma.This house in St
{ 10 tips for your home office! }
I don't know about you, but I like it nice and tidy in my home office.This is a place we usually spend a lot of time, so why not make it a lovely place to be?Therefore I will today give you 10 tips on what I believe is important in a home office.1. Make sure to have a lamp that gives good light.2. Fresh flowers is a MUST if you ask me!3. Use a nice bowl, box or similar for minor things like paper
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lost and Found
Prayers Answered!This post is in reference to crossed-fingers.html Thank you my dear blogger friends for praying so much for me.. Really I can't express my happiness.. No wordsWe have found our Dog "Lucky" wandering on streets.. near our home... He is with us now, at our another house ! He's very weak and of course he's with us after 4 months. Kindly pray for his health and his better fate
{ Rose Bowl Flea Market }
Last Sunday I went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena here in California. This is the biggest flea market I have ever been to and the selection was outstanding! There were actually too much to choose from so I couldn't decide on anything, and went out of there with only two antlers and some scrabble tiles... That means that I have to go back soon!Oh, my gosh. You would love this place!Rose
Peter Landgren & Co
Idag börjar jag blogga för Peter Landgren & Co som är en av Malmös största mäklare. Jag kommer att skriva några inlägg i veckan så kika gärna på den bloggen också om ni vill läsa ännu mer. Det kommer inte att vara samma utan alltid med någon liten skillnad från Purple Area. Så häng med...
Att få en matplats att se både snygg ut och fungera är inte det lättaste. Det gäller att få stolsben och bordsben att funka tillsammans. Det måste också passa ihop med golvet, inredningen i övrigt och vara praktiskt. Ett tips är att bordet och stolarna har samma tyngd och dimensioner, dvs ett bord med smäckra ben bör ha stolar med smäckra ben (nedersta bilden). Att hålla samma färg eller träslag
{ DIY Projects } has now a new category called DIY ( "Do it yourself" ) that is located under albums. Here you can find great ideas on things you can do yourself.I hope you find these albums as inspiring as I do. I love looking at other's DIY projects and before / after projects - such as the examples shown below. If you have any DIY / Before & After projects you want to share on, you
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Kittvit färg förenar två stilar
Modern rak enkelhet tillsammans med gammaldags snirklighet. Fungerar perfekt ihop tack vare att man inte krånglar till det utan håller sig till raka enkla former och låter stuckaturen tala för sig själv. Den kittfärgade vita färgen förstärker samhörigheten. Lägg märke till den smarta förvaringslösningen med skåp över hela väggen. Bilder från fotograf Hotze Eisma.Contemporary sharp shapes together
{ Hello Saturday! }
I just wanted to wish you all a lovely Saturday! Any great plans for today?I'm going to take a long walk in one of the canyons here in LA today!Looking forward to do something else than sitting in front of my computer.Enjoy your day!♡
Friday, September 17, 2010
{ I WON! }
Look what I won over at Nenna's blog today! Two lovely hangers from Tine K Home! I'm so exited, and I can't wait to hang something nice on them, and blog about it :)Thank you, Janne!♡xoxoNinaImage: Nenna
Nya blickfång
Just nu springer jag runt här hemma och flyttar på saker, grupperar om, försöker skapa nya intressanta blickfång. Lite förändring. Det är så tröttsamt att alltid se samma dekorationer stå på samma ställe. Men jag känner inte att jag lyckats riktigt än, det är inte helt lätt. Det kräver lite energi och nya idéer. Vill helst handla nytt egentligen. Jag gillar framförallt glasvaser med blommor,
{ DIY: Make your own Scrabble Picture }
Do you remember my blog post "10 ways to decorate with letters"? I actually liked the scrabble idea so much that I had to try it out myself. It's funny to see how I manage to inspire myself, while I'm trying to inspire you.At the flea market this weekend I found some wooden scrabble tiles, and this is how I used them to make me a new picture in my home office...1. Scrabble tiles2. A frame3. Paper
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Plan with Confidence!
Call TAD AKERS today to schedule an appointment to view our beautiful Facility and meet with one of our experienced wedding planners. Each visitor will receive a sweepstakes ticket from the for a chance to win a BedBath&Beyond gift card plus the opportunity to enter to win a $5000 shopping spree.Our October Booking Special: A Complimentary Chocolate Fountain or Champagne
Sval mönstermix i sovrummet
Kanske dags att piffa upp sovrummet med en ny färg, lite kul mönsterkombinationer och spännande detaljer. Fördelen med att använda vitt och en enda accentfärg som här är att man kan blanda rätt friskt både när det gäller mönster och stil utan att det blir för rörigt. Det blir fint med lite detaljer till som en tavla lutad mot väggen och ett sött litet sängbord med matchande prylar uppställda som
{ Design your own furniture! }
Are you in the same dilemma as me sometimes, that you have an idea of a furniture in your head but you can't seem to find it anywhere?Well, I found a solution: Why not design your own furniture? Rust Interior is a company in Norway that gives you the opportunity to design your own furniture. They hear your thoughts and ideas about the preparation, form, color and design, and put your idea into
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sandfärgade toner från Kenya
Visserligen känns den här miljön rätt långt från höstrusket som just nu yr utanför mitt fönster. Men samtidigt kan jag inte låta bli att bli lite inspirerad av de varma sandfärgade tonerna från detta hem i Kenya. Det är fortfarande rätt mycket svart och vitt i våra svenska inredningar. Snyggt, men här kan man se att det går att blanda upp med mörk brunt och varm beige och benvit. Kanske blir det
{ Bedroom inspiration }
I encourage you all to head over to NIB (Norwegian Interior Blogs) and get inspired by all the pretty bedrooms that are in the final of the bedroom challenge this month. They have this gorgeous Jielde lamp for the winner, and I have to say that I'm a bit jealous on whoever wins the lamp :) Anyway, I wish them all good luck and may the best win. I have voted for my favorite - have you? { My
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Betongväggar i fokus
Eftersom det i ett tidigare inlägg dök upp lite frågor angående väggarna hemma hos mig, så tänkte jag berätta lite om dem. Vi har, i den äldre delen av huset, ytterväggar av betongblock. Blocken heter Cten och har en skiva av betong på var sida om ett block cellplast. Det är både energisparande med cellplasten och ekonomiskt med tanke på att man inte behöver extra väggbeklädnad på insidan.
{ 10 ways to decorate with a basket }
I'm sure most of you have a basket in your home - but how do you use it?I love baskets and I have them everywhere, using them for all kinds of things. I would therefore like to share with you today 10 different ways on how you can take use of your baskets... I hope I gave you some ideas you hadn't thought of already...I would love to hear how you use baskets in your home!Images: Nina Holst /
Monday, September 13, 2010
pink vase flowers arrangement
It's beautiful pink vase arrangement flowers delivery.ftd montreal flower delivery
Härlig inspiration av Lotta Agaton
Har ni sett Lotta Agatons reportage i senaste Elle Interiör? Härlig sovrumsinspiration i stålgrå och blå toner. Så enkelt men ändå så snyggt. Bilder från Lotta Agaton, fotograf Pia Ulin.I första bilden kommer lakan och överkast från Society, det lilla bordet kommer från Asplund och den lilla lampan 'Bell' från Artek. I andra bilden kommer säng, lakan från Hästens, blå kuddar från Walles&Walles,
{ Stylish at # 4 }
The next member on I want to present to you is "Ceciliasverden". She is one of the newest members on, but she has uploaded so many beautiful pictures of her home already - so I want to share them here with you today... I really fancy her light and modern kitchen with all the lovely details like the "home sweet home" pillow, the jars with the description of what is in
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Gerbera Daisies
Who doesn't love a Gerbera daisy?It surely is one of the merriest flowers out there.Gerbera's floral meaning is the same as those attributed to daisies in general,which is innocence and purity. But the Gerbera itself is known as the Happy Flower.The Gerbera daisy was discovered in 1884 in South Africa. The flower's scientific name Gerbera Jamesonii reflects the name of it's founder, a Scot
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Höstmysigt hemma hos mig
Höstmysigt ute och lite skymning så här mellan dag och kväll. Ingenting bokat fast det är lördag, det kan ibland vara riktigt skönt. Ingen stress. En chans att mysa med tända ljus och en bra bok. Kanske tända en brasa senare i kväll. Bilderna är mina egna.Autumn, almost evening, nothing planned even if it is saturday. This can be nice some times. For me this means a relaxing time with candles and
Himlas höstkollektion på ishotellet
Eftersom jag missade Formex så missade jag tyvärr också presentationen av Himlas nya höstkollektion. Det var tydligen imponerande med ett stort isblock i utställningen. Hur som helst är det aldrig för sent att inspireras av något och hela deras nya kollektion är fotad på ishotellet i Jukkasjärvi. Hotellet är nog något av det mest spektakulära vi har i Sverige och jag hade inte haft något emot att
{ Doll up the kitchen? }
Meet my set of Matryoshkas measuring cups.These are going to ensure that my baking will be a piece of cake!They are useful, easy to store, and quite charming..., so why not doll up the kitchen with a little Russian folklore?These dolls have been popular for a while now. Do you have any Matryoshkas in your home?♡Images: Nina Holst / Stylizimo
Friday, September 10, 2010
And the winner is...
Dags att ta ut en vinnare till tävlingen om en valfri trådkorg från den alldeles nyöppnade webshopen Mitt lilla hem. Vinnaren är... Sofie från den jättetrevliga och mysiga bloggen Syssla. Grattis Sofie!! Maila mig din adress och önskemål om vilken korg så ska vi fixa så att vinsten kommer hem till dig.
Dark Autumn med Tine K
Som ni kanske sett i tidigare inlägg så var jag för någon vecka sedan och besökte Tine K Home i Odense för en visning i Tines eget hem. Fick då också se deras nya höstkatalog. Här är några inspirerande bilder från den. Temat heter 'Dark Autumn' och visar en färgskala som är betydligt mörkare än bilderna från hennes hem. Bilderna är pressbilder.I recently visited Tine K Home in Odense and had the
{ Purple dreams... }
Yesterday I bought a Hydrangea in this lovely purple color. A touch of purple in our white and grey living room, gives the right amount of color that I want this fall.Lovely flowers make me SO happy!I made myself a purple smoothie yesterday as well! I think a smoothie is a perfect snack all year around, as long as I'm not freezing * smile *So what are you all doing this weekend? Any great plans?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
{ Making it cosy in the fall... }
In the fall I like to make it a bit more cosy in my home, and scented candles bring that extra cosiness. This Saturday I bought this VOLUSPA - Japanese Plum Bloom, and I tell you it has an amazingly delightful smell! I know VOLUSPA is a very popular scented candle, but this was my first. There are so many different scented candles out there, so please tell me who is your favorite?♡Images: Nina
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
{ Want real inspiration from real homes? }
Ever read an interior magazine and thought "Wow, that looks great but I can never afford buying that." or "Why don't they show interior tips that I can actually afford?" Well, you can save yourself those questions now, and head over to where you will find decoration tips for everyone from real people like you and me!From Huseby Living's profile on StylizimoStylizimo is YOUR
Släng in något orange?
Det här hemmet ett exempel på att det går hur bra som helst att mixa svart, brunt, grått och vitt. Färger i kombinationer som vi kanske inte hade satt ihop för några år sedan. Det blir både snyggt och stilrent även om det kanske blir aningen hårt. Vad säger ni, är det fler än jag som vill slänga in något orange? Bilder från ett reportage i Sköna hem, läs mer här.This is a good example of how
{ The hottest fall trend? }
Have you made any pillows of your jeans yet? Your old jeans can now be your hottest pillow! Yes, they say that jeans will be the hottest interior trend this fall...The fall trend is all about toning everything down to the pure and honest. Glossy materials and brand hysteria goes away (!), and the focus will be on rough surfaces, re-use and handicrafts. But let's start with the good old jeans!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Gråsvart även hos Mateus
Nu kan jag snart börja kalla den här veckan för murriga veckan för jag är fortfarande inne på det gråsvarta. Även Mateus har i sin nya kollektion använt sig av grått och lila mot svart bakgrund. Kanske jag hade hoppat när det gäller det alltför snirkliga men färgerna, fjärilarna och det ruffa bordet med bänkar gillar jag. Bilder från Mateus.I'm so much in to this black and grey combination right
{ 5 ways to decorate with a ladder }
Ladders have been popular for a while now, and many of you probably have one at home already. So today I thought I would give you 5 different ideas on how you can decorate or use a ladder... Do you have a decoration ladder in your home? How do you use it?I hope this gave you some inspiration.Have a beautiful day everybody!Images: Nina Holst /
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Maine Coastal Jewel By Linda Banks
Designer and architect, Linda Banks, has been creating some of my favorite coastal homes for many years. She just sent on to me one of her recently completed projects to share with you. Once again Linda has created a wonderful ocean oasis for her clients in Maine. On a spectacular property on the coast of Maine, Linda worked with her clients to create a shingled styled home from a new
Linda Banks,
Mörkt och murrigt hos Sia
I min jakt på silvriga vaser häromdagen tipsade Charlotte om Sia. Hittade vaser, om än lite för små, men också härliga inspirationsbilder i den nu så aktuella mörka färgskalan. Det är verkligen murrigt som gäller just nu - svart, brunt, grått ibland med lite stänk mörk blått eller mörk lila. Men det krävs lite krispigt vitt till för att inte gå över styr. Lägg märke till den fina servisen med
{ Stylish on # 3 }
There are so many wonderful homes on already, and I'm really exited to see all these lovely homes around the world and present them here to you.This week's "Stylish on Stylizimo" is the charming home of Fjasevas Huset.Her home has a great mix of the delicate/cosy and modern. In addition she has all this wonderful decoration which gives the home a personal touch.Fresh flowers, a
Sunday, September 5, 2010
{ 10 things to love about this house! }
I'm really into grey these days, so when I saw this pretty home at Sköna Hem today, I was overwhelmed by its rough beauty... 1. The grey!2. The lamp over the coffee table3. The dramatic black wall4. The lovely floor5. The concrete wall between the kitchen and living room6. The rough tiles in the bathroom7. The baskets under the bathroom zink8. The bathroom mirror9. The shelf for the towels10. The
Hello ! I am in a Happy mood, I have got reasons as well... read to the last..Thank you dear fellow bloggers as you all have made my blog turn 1 year OLD.. yes.. it's b'coz of you that I Have developed myself , opened up.. I love writing here and come back again and again, and write more and more... and I check in here more often.. just in case.. I have "comments to look forward" heehee. It's
Munthe plus Simonsen lanserar ny hemkollektion
Modedesignern Naja Munthe från Munthe plus Simonsen lanserar en ny hemkollektion i samarbete med Rikki Tikki Company. Inspirerad under flera av sina resor av vackra hotell, funky barer, enastående butiker och vackra hem vill hon ge de nordiska hemmen en bohemisk touche. All inspiration är samlad i den här första hemkollektionen som består av sängkläder och kuddar med vackra tryck och broderier
{ Happy Sunday! }
Doing anything special this Sunday? I don't have any plans yet, but I'm sure it's going to be a great day - I love days with no plans!♡Image: Nina Holst
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Beautiful Wedding Flowers Will Enhance Your Special Day
Beautiful wedding flowers will enhance your special day and will remain in your memories and pictures forever. Your wedding day will be one of the most important days of your life, so your flower and bouquet choices require careful consideration.With generations of experience designing breathtaking wedding bouquets and arrangements, Schaefer Greenhouses is the florist that hundreds of brides
{ A beautiful home! }
I ♡ the stairsI ♡ both of the cosy sofas with all the lovely pillowsI ♡ the light grey wallsI ♡ the floorsI ♡ the grey rugI ♡ the dramatic contrasts upstairsI ♡ the beamsI ♡ architectureI ♡ the ladderI ♡ the white brick wall I think I actually are IN LOVE with the black floor! I ♡ the charming kitchenI ♡ the all the white in the bedroomI ♡ the white curtains What do you think of this apartment.
Friday, September 3, 2010
{ Wallpapers - Let's go black and white! }
If you are hankering to buy some statement wallpaper but don't have time to trawl the showrooms;Here you have 5 cool wallpapers in black and white!Do you dare to be this dramatic?♡Images: Ferm Living
Mallorca again
Under sommarens resa till Mallorca blev det så klart lite inredningsspaning och några butiker att besöka var redan innan uppsatta på listan. Det är riktigt trevlig att avvika från stranden ibland och köra runt och upptäcka ön. Det finns många trevliga restauranger, fik, marknader m m att besöka på vägen. Så här kommer lite bilder från några av favoriterna...On our vacation to Mallorca this summer
Sabtu,11 September 2010Pkl 21.00 WibWEST HAM VS CHELSEA FCWEST HAMCHELSEA FCHead-To-Head LigaTanggalPertandingan EPL13 Mar 2010Chelsea 4 - West Ham Utd 1 EPL20 Dec 209West Ham 1 - Chelsea 1 EPL25 Apr 2009West Ham 0 - Chelsea 1 EPL14 Dec 2008Chelsea 1 - West Ham Utd 1 EPL1 Mar 2008West Ham 0 - Chelsea 4Lima Pertandingan TerakhirCHELSEA LigaTanggalPertandingan ujic28 Agu 2010Chelsea 2 - Stoke City
Sabtu,11 September 2010Pkl 21.00 WibWEST HAM VS CHELSEA FCWEST HAMCHELSEA FCHead-To-Head LigaTanggalPertandingan EPL13 Mar 2010Chelsea 4 - West Ham Utd 1 EPL20 Dec 209West Ham 1 - Chelsea 1 EPL25 Apr 2009West Ham 0 - Chelsea 1 EPL14 Dec 2008Chelsea 1 - West Ham Utd 1 EPL1 Mar 2008West Ham 0 - Chelsea 4Lima Pertandingan TerakhirCHELSEA LigaTanggalPertandingan ujic28 Agu 2010Chelsea 2 - Stoke City
{ DIY: How to make a trendy frame! }
Some weeks ago I bought this empty old frame at a thrift store. Originally it was in a gold/beige color, but I wanted it to look more trendy, so I painted the frame dark grey.Empty frames are a really hot nowadays, and they can be quite decorative with old ornaments I think.What to you think about decorating with empty frames? Do you have any yourself?Wish you all a creative weekend!Thank you all
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nytt från Northern Lighting
Lampnyheter från norska Northern Lighting i cool rå fabriksmiljö. Bilderna är pressbilder.News from Northern Lighting presented in the raw feeling of a factory.
{ Style quiz - What style do you have? }
I found this style quiz over at Ceccas blog today, and I had to check it out! This was my style, and I couldn't have said it better myself:Your specific style combines two more general styles:50% Cottage Chic50% Vintage ModernCottage ChicWho says that cottages can't be modern and chic? Who says that they have to be floral and cheesy? Not you! You love the carefree spirit that the cottage
Nytt från Mr Perswall
Nyheter från Mr Perswall - Destinations - handlar om 'färden från paradis till storstad via labyrinter under jord och oupptäckta gathörn'. Bilderna är pressbilder.För er som är intresserade av diy finns det ju även en del tips att ta åt sig t ex vykorten runt dörrkarmen kan ju inte vara så svårt att skapa själv av gamla vykort eller lapptäcket av stadsbilder i svartvitt vilket borde vara enkelt
{ NIB challenge - Bedroom }
"Norwegian Interior Blogs" (NIB) have a new challenge this September, asking us to submit photos of our bedroom. I recently did some changes to our bedroom, and this is how it looks now... ♡Images: Nina Holst / Stylizimo
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Wedding Flower Bouquet Ideas Romantic
Wedding Flowers, Bouquets - Unusual BouquetWedding Flowers, Bouquets - Unusual BouquetYou can not imagine the wedding without flowers and bouquets. Interest in weedings may glamorous or romantic.The selection of flowers for the brides is very important. Every Bride has already in mind the picture of flowers, which consisted of her wedding bouquet and flowers, which will be as decoration in a
{ 10 cool ways to decorate a wall! }
Wallstickers are a fun way to decorate your wall. It's very easy, and it makes a lasting impression. Today I'll show you 10 cool wallstickers. { All smooth and even surfaces are suitable for wallstickers. } So any favorites?Mine would be the Birch on #4. ♡Images: Ferm Living
Mixa guld och silver
Det känns kul och lite nytt att mixa silver och guld och det är trendingt värre med annorlunda kombinationer och blandningar som förr var lite tabu. Även guld till ljus grålila känns som en ny kombination. Eva Lindh har verkligen fått till en riktigt glammig filmstjärnelook med både silver och guld i sin styling för Borås Tapeter. Bilder från Eva Lindh, fotograf Dan Holmqvist.Ps. Min mamma har
{ Decorating the balcony }
My balcony is now decorated with new flowers for the fall. I love flowers, and I'm really exited about these new ones - the color is really fresh and crispy! Have you decorated your outdoor area yet? What kind of flowers do you prefer in the fall?You can see more pictures from my balcony and my home on Stylizimo.comIt would be fun to see how you decorated your outdoor area too.It's FREE to be a
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