Sunday, February 28, 2010

Amazing day yesterday at the Houston Wedding Showcase! Thanks to all who came. If you missed the Show call for your private consultation with one of our Wedding Designers. We also have a special Show coupon which will be honored for the next 30 days. Just mention the code word "Recessionista" for all new bookings! (Valued at $500) Restrictions apply. 281-338-9090


Dana Cooper Thursday, March 11 7:00 p.m. TAD AKERS Event Facility, League City, Texas San Benave Concert Series Tickets Here Dana on YouTube Spread the Word!

Pink Flower Delyvery Discont

Sure, I can quote her inspired counsel from the "For Stength Youth" pamphlet, or from a number of modern day prophets and apostles. I could go into detail (for torturing a teenager) about how very strong and emotional bond that produced by steady dating is designed connection divine that God has reserved to keep the couple together during difficult times. I could have talked about how dating

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Legends about St. Patrick:

Some of the history of Sn. Patrick are based on legends.One of the best-known story tells how the magic of the snakes of Ireland into the sea, just as they are drowning. Different stories or anecdotes say that standing on top of the hill, using a wooden baton that are driving the snakes into the sea, forever banished from the land of Ireland. One legend says that one old serpent resisted, but St.

Anyway Who is St. Patrick?

According to the Book World, St. Patrick lived around the years 389-461 AD, and is the patron of Ireland. He was mainly responsible for converting the Irish to Cristianos.Se became acquainted as apostle to the Irish. Its Latin name is Patrick. Patrick was born in England. His father was wealthy and Christian. When Patrick was 16 years old, pirates captured him during an assault and sold as a

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Flowers daisies

It is very common to call as many inflorescences daisy flowers When in reality does not define one particular species but to a large number of them. In this sense, the definition of daisies is associated directly to one of the largest families of plant kingdom: the Composite.Flowers daisiesThis family, also called Compositae, Is characterized by the typical inflorescence chapter easily

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bunga Cocor Bebek

Cocor bebek (Kalandiva) memiliki batang yang lunak dan beruas. Daunnya tebal berdaging dan mengandung banyak air dalam jumlah banyak sehingga tahan tidak disiram dalam beberapa hari. Warna daun hijau muda (kadang kadang abu-abu).Cocor bebek menjadi tanaman yang umum di daerah beriklim tropika seperti Asia.Sebagai tanaman hias banyak digemari karena warna bunganya yang terang dan beraneka ragam,

Bunga Alamanda

Alamanda merupakan tumbuhan perdu, tingginya bisa mencapai 2-3 m.Batangnya berkayu,warna hijau, permukaan halus, arah cabang terkulai. Daun tunggal, bertangkai pendek, tersusun berhadapan, helaian daun tebal, ujung dan pangkal meruncing , tepi rata, bergetah.Bunga majemuk, muncul di ketiak daun dan ujung batang, mahkota bunga berbentuk corong, berwarna kuning.Buahnya berbentuk kotak, bulat,

Bunga Euphorbia

Euphorbia (Euphorbia milii) masih satu keluarga Euphorbiaceae,tanaman ini memiliki lebih dari 2000 species.Tanaman ini berasal dari Madagaskar.Orang menyebutnya bunga delapan dewa, karena kelopaknya berhadapan membentuk angka delapan. Sosoknya sangat cantik dan konon membawa hoki, tak salah jika orang menyebutnya tanaman keberuntunganTanaman ini termasuk tanaman perdu berkayu yang sangat mudah

Bunga Kamboja

Bunga kamboja (Plumeria acuminata ait) bisa ditemui dalam beberapa warna. Selain pink, ada pula kamboja warna putih, merah atau kuning. Bunga ini berasal dari jenis pohon bercabang banyak. Dengan tinggi yang beragam, mulai tiga sampai tujuh meter.Pohon kamboja terkenal banyak getahnya.Daunnya tumbuh tunggal, memiliki tangkai panjang, dan bergerombol di ujung dahannya. Bentuk daun rata-rata

Bunga Kembang Sepatu

Kembang sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.)Adalah tanaman semak suku Malvaceae yang berasal dari Asia Timur dan banyak ditanam sebagai tanaman hias di daerah tropis dan subtropis.Bunga besar, dan tidak berbau. Bunga dari berbagai kultivar dan hibrida bisa berupa bunga tunggal (daun mahkota selapis) atau bunga ganda (daun mahkota berlapis) yang berwarna putih hingga kuning, oranye hingga

Bunga Anggrek Dendrobium

Tanaman anggrek dendrobium kalau sedang berbunga sangat indah dipandang mata.Pemberian anti hama yang wajib dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya bakteri ataupun penyakit yang sedianya akan mengganggu jalannya pertumbuhan tanaman. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk penyemprotan anti hama bisa 1 - 2 dalam satu bulan.Sedangkan fungisida, cukup diberikan pada anggrek sekali dalam satu minggu.Untuk

Buy flowers for All Saints

Buy flowers for All Saints can become a problem for many people waiting at the last minute to do their assignments. Millions of flowers are purchased for the holiday in which is venerated the saints who have no own party in the liturgical calendar.Buy flowers for All SaintsPoints flower sales traditional and floristsAlways complain about unfair competition from other commercial channels such as

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cultivation of the Proteas in the World

The Proteas as ornamental cut flowers are highly valued by many exotic flower for the value and distinction who give their flowers, while its great durability over 15 days.The Proteas as ornamental cut flowersFor this purpose, the cultivation of Proteas in the World is a reality, their flowers by air travelers to the country of consumption.Among the most prominent countries in cultivation are:■

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bouquets of carnations

The carnationsis one of the most popular flowers in Spain with the rose. In fact, one of the pioneering countries in Europe in production and exports and is now the most important region Andalusia in regard to this flower.CarnationsThe greatest carnation market the world is the United States, Colombia and its main supplier and thus perhaps also the world's leading producer standard type carnation

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Proteas

The Proteas are very old plants, to the extent that they are within the southern hemisphere in three continents (Africa, Australia and South America.), implying that were already present before their separation, living with the dinosaursProtea FlowerAbout the name of this family there are variations to consider. First, the word is documented Protea comes from Greek mythology. The God Proteus, son

round roses bouquet

It's beautiful round bouquet with roses and aspidistra.montreal florist

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Care of the cut flower Anthurium andreanum

The care Anthurium andreanum as cut flowers are very simple and carried out correctly, we can ensure that your flowers last longer than three weeks in the vase of our home.Red Anthurium andreanumThe important thing is to make sure you buy the flowers Anthurium andreanum in good condition, they are fresh flowers. From here, everything depends on us.The Anthurium andreanumOne of the most important
Check out the latest blog from TAD AKERS. We post specials, concerts, tidbits, and latest wedding news!Quote: When we deprive ourselves of our hopes and dreams, we relegate ourselves to keeping our eyes on the ground, carefully calculating every step, missing the pictures in the clouds and the double rainbow!-unknown

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chrysanthemum Flowers

Botanically, the genus Chrysanthemum belongs to the family Asteraceae and encompasses one of the types of flowers grown older, as well as cut flowers (fresh flowers) And potted ornamental plants. Its main attraction are the ornamental flowers.... really an inflorescence chapter.Red chrysanthemumA variety of chapter (flower) Grown commercially, but overall, this inflorescence is composed of two

Rose Flower Bouquet Fresh

The wedding flower bouquet Fresh

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Strelitzia reginae

The Strelitzia reginae belongs to the family Strelitziaceas and is used as cut flowersBut also as a gardening plant when the prevailing weather is benign. It is a plant well identified but in addition to its technical name is called 'Bird of Paradise','Estrelicia','Flower bird','Flower bird'And so on.Flower Flower Strelitzia reginaeAs behaves like herbaceous plant in the form of bush,

Turquoise Weddings

If you are a soon-to-be bride, one of the questions you may be asking is "What are the popular wedding colors this year?Believe it or not, the hot color for 2010 is turquoise! This color is eye-catching, bold and modern and is especially perfect for destination weddings at the beach! Now, there aren't any true "turquoise" colored flowers. But that doesn't mean you can't have that color for your

The rose garden Queen

It is said that the origins of cultivated roses goes back to ancient gardening Imperial China. In Hindu mythology it is associated with the goddess of love and beautyAnd in the Classical Greece. He was also highly revered in the Pharaonic Egypt. There is a belief that Cleopatra had her pillows filled with petals of this flower.The rose has gained a popularity that is hard to dispute any other

White Wedding Flower Bouquet Fresh

The flower Cascading style bouquetWhite wedding flower bouquet fresh

Monday, February 15, 2010

Waxing Flowers

Just when you are lamenting that your Valentine flowers will be gone soon, here is a trick to make them more then just a memory.Waxing fresh flowers is a craft that dates back to the Victorian era. It’s quite easy and inexpensive to do, but takes a little practice; the most important part is getting the temperature just right for the types of flower that you are waxing. Almost any type of bloom

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Romance of Fresh Flowers in the Middle of Winter

Most people feel that Valentine's Day is not complete without flowers, but as almost everyone knows, February is not exactly the flower growing season.So even gardeners have to join the rest of the people by purchasing fresh flowers in the local flower shop. Roses are by far the favorite - last year some 214 million of flowers were placed on the market for Valentine's Day. Of course, this does

Friday, February 12, 2010

Flowers from Mexico Facing Customs Inspection

Those who bring flowers across the border near San Diego, will take part in a thorough inspection. Officials say they will carefully inspect flowers people bring across the border for Valentine’s Day, looking for harmful pests.Chrysanthemums and gladiolas are already prohibited from being brought across the border as they often carry fungi called “Chrysanthemum White Rust” and “Gladiolus Rust,”

The Dead Flower Bouquet Delivery

Flower bouquet delevery acesscories

Violet, decorative and stylish

This beautiful flower is brightly colored and shiny a favorite in gardens and on balconies. It is an evergreen herbaceous plant with flowers that are organized around a long stalk with five petals of color that gives it its name. There are also beautiful white varieties. Its cultivation is relatively simple and is very useful to cover certain parts of the garden where little sunlight falls.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Flower Delevery Arrangements

THe flower delevery argomentasi fresh-1THe flower delevery argomentasi fresh-2THe flower delevery argomentasi fresh

Lily, Lilium

- Scientific or Latin name: Lilium spp.- Common or usual name: Lily, Lilium, martagon.- Family: Liliaceae (Lily).- The genus Lilium comprises about 100 species distributed throughout the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, a dozen of them are indigenous to Europe and two in North America, while 50-60 species occur in Asia.- Most interesting are Lilium longiflorum lily, with white

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Online Fresh Flowers San Francisco

Online Fresh Flowers :-We are able to buy flowers online and send flowers online. Flowers are always perceived as wonderful gifts if you intend to send them to your family, friends or your sweetest half. San Francisco fresh flowers for decorating your home. But if you live thousands of miles away from them and you don’t have the faintest idea on how you could send flowers, there is a way out. You

Special Flower Delyvery

The flower delivery -1The flower delivery -2The flower delivery -3The special flower delyvery bouquet

It’s not always the size of the bouquet that counts! Top tips for men this Valentine’s

Valentine's Day fast approaching, however, many men still are not sure what they get for their beloved bride, but the answer is as simple as it has been for centuries. Flowers are really simple but powerful gift out there. Even the most clueless man can get his message through a bouquet of beautiful flowers, with just about any flower. What most people forget is to florists in the profession of

Monday, February 8, 2010

Flowers for Wedding Anniversaries

IntroductionAnniversaries are a celebration of a remarkable event such as marriage or the establishment of an enterprise, institution, etc.. The anniversaries of death are solemn events. The anniversary of wedding or marriage anniversary is the hottest celebrities in the world. The anniversary wishes and flowers are the most important elements of an anniversary. Giving flowers to his wife is the

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Care Tips for Phalaenopsis orchids

The phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most beautiful and admired worldwide.Surely many of you have received this plant as gift on Valentine's Day or another date highlighted.Although care is not difficult, as mistakenly think, showing you simple recommendations to enjoy this range for a long time without too much sacrifice.FloweringUnder favorable conditions the phalaenopsis live between 3 and 7

New Weddng Flower Bouquet London

wedding flower bouquet Cascading styleWedding Tips flower bouquetThe new wedding flower bouquet London

Caring for your Valentine Flowers

Valentine's week is upon us. And with roses being the most popular floral gift by far, you may be the lucky recipient of a beautiful bouquet sometime soon. You'll enjoy them longer if you follow a few simple care steps.First, it's important to note that no amount of care will revive blooms that were not properly handled before purchase. A good florist will follow the important "chain of life"

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) is one of the favorite flowers from florists. Because they can last long as flowers, carnations are very popular either in his buttonhole, in clusters, and in a variety of floral arrangements. Carnations are popularly favored for big occasions, especially Mother's Day and weddings.IntroductionCarnations are also commonly referred to by its scientific name, "

How to preserve a bouquet of flowers

All of us have ever received a beautiful bouquet drew us a smile or an occasional tear, and in these special occasions with flowers entertain us arises the sadness of not being able to keep them for too long.While it is true that flowers once they are cut from the plant and made into beautiful bouquets to give away slowly begin to lose life until completely dry, There are certain tricks and

Wedding Flower Bouquet stily

The wedding flower bouquet stily

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Messages of love for Valentine's Day

Love is a flower of spring between two peoplewhich takes place in summer and winter does not wither.(Turkish proverb)Like the music and lyrics of a song, a beautiful bouquet of flowers enriches their message together with beautiful words on a card. But it is not always easy to find. Here we leave some suggestions, if you seek inspiration.• Love does not count the years, but rather, that the years
Radney Foster Please join us on Thursday evening, February 11, 2010 at 7 for an amazing evening of song and laughter. Bring your best mates, neighbors, co-workers, groupies and top fives. Texas native, Nashville artist Radney Foster is making a rare trip through our area for a special show at theSan Benave Concert

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Help for Haiti...

LinkingFlowers donate 5% of each sale to UNICEF to help children affected by the earthquake in Haiti

History and culture of the rose

1 - History of the RoseThe rose has been since the dawn of time the queen of flowers.The first records of its use date back to ornamental Crete (seventeenth century BC). The rose was considered a symbol of beauty by the Babylonians, Syrians, Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.In Egypt and Greece had a special significance, and more on Rome. The Romans cultivated the rose strongly, being used to

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Bird Valentine -flower valentine

Order delicious and beautiful Cake for Any Occasions, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Baby Born, Congratulations, Graduation, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, New Year, Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Chinese New Year (Imlek), etc. Chocolate peanut butter with roasted peanuts inside. Size: 20 cm Round *Free Delivery for Jakarta Area. Additional Rp. 50.000 for Bekasi, Bogor

Visit our new site for deliveries in all MEXICO

Visit and send flowers with our new site for the whole Mexican territory, with local deliveries in each city through our network of partner floristsWWW.FLOWERSMEX.COMFlowers Delviery Mexico, Florist Mexico City Valentine's Day on Mexico

Month of Romance Special

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.How 'bout Fifty dollars just for YOU!Send us a referral "booking" during the month of February and receive $50 CASH from TAD AKERS. Just our way to say "Thank You" for supporting our business here in League City!
League City, TX– February 2, 2010 - WeddingWire, the nation’s leading wedding technology company, just announced TAD AKERS has been selected to receive the WeddingWire 2010 Bride’s Choice Awards™ for Wedding Venue!The annual Bride’s Choice Awards recognizes and celebrates excellence in quality and service within the wedding industry, as determined by recent reviews and extensive surveys from over

Give the gift of flowers on Valentine's Day

Flowers are one of the valentines in his prime, but the fact is that the flowers never go out of fashion and all we like to receive them. In the history of Valentine's Day in some way or another, have always been present. Historically, man has associated each to a particular characteristic or personality trait, which has allowed fully to express feelings code, through the flowers.If you want to

Monday, February 1, 2010

Signs of Spring in Southern California

A day before the Groundhog tells the world about the coming of Spring, February first in Southern California shows blossoms everywhere.Happy Girl, originally uploaded by Abby Lanes.It appears that our recent El Nino storms nourished the flowers and helped the insect population.This flowering tree was filled with blooms, and quite a swarm of happy bees, which are not picture here. There will be

The Quality Valentine Flowers

Rose Valentine'dayThe flower valentine'day 

A Calendar for Growing Flowers in Coastal Southern California

Calendula in Florence's Garden in February FEBRUARYCalendula can be in full bloom on Valentine's Day. Do note on your calendar to plant them next September or October. Learn to plant the lovely annuals that will soon be in bloom, in early fall, to get the best and most carefree bloom, we have all year. All of the following bloom best in our early spring: Calendula, Iceland Poppies, Primula,

A Calendar for Growing Flowers in Coastal Southern California

My friend, and gardening mentor Florence Sullivan, passed away recently at the age of 95 1/2. I had previously asked her daughter's permission to share her gardening tips. She wrote a booklet, with the above title, so any tips I share on this blog, with this title are from "Florence Sullivan," with the kind permission of her daughter Holly.Since it's already February, I'll do this slightly out