Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tar en bloggpaus över helgen

Jag tar en liten bloggpaus över helgen - tillbaka nästa vecka. Bubble Chair av Eero Aarnio (från 1968) från Adelta, otroligt nog fortfarande aktuell.I'm taking a weekend break, I'll be back next week!!

Skorder av Johanna Eliasson

Ni har kanske sett den innan, men jag kan inte låta bli att visa den jag också. 'Skorder' av Johanna Eliasson, designelev på HDK i Göteborg, ger alla skotokiga chansen att visa upp sina dyrgripar. En genial idé med förgyllda små boxar som påminner om skokartonger, men som tyvärr inte finns i produktion än.This great shoe sculpture 'Skorder' made by swedish designstudent Johanna Eliasson gives any

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bohemisk färgglädje

Härlig mix av bohemiskt och modern design kryddat med rejäla färgchockar. Hemma hos designern Rikke Gravengaard. Läs mer i Boligmagasinet.The designer Rikke Gravengaards home is a fun mix of bohemian and contemporary with a lot of colours. From Boligmagasinet.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sneek Peek

Got a little sneak peek at the new kit for May at My Creative Scrapbook! This is just one of several kits available this month. I'll be posting a sneek peek with another kit soon....

Bench marks

These pictures were taken last year after my niece's wedding reception. What I like about them is that the worn out grass shows that the benches are not just decorative, people really take time to sit and watch some really amateur tennis players. And they came to my mind after I saw Anna's post with a green bench.To view more participants of Project Green, or if you want to join in the fun,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Greek Revival Pool House

One of my favorite secret past times is to peruse architectural design firms websites to see what interesting spaces they are creating. Here is a lovely Greek Revival Pool House designed by Crisp Architects in Millbrook, NY. All photos and information are from the Crisp Architects website. This jewel box of a pool house serves as an entertainment area for the homeowner and her guests. The

Japaninspirerat på terassen

Det är inte så dumt att köra med ett tema även på terassen, det blir lite mer effekt då. I Sköna Hem visar de hur man kan få det mer harmoniskt och vilsamt genom att lyfta in en strikt japansk känsla. Med endast ett fåtal färger, framförallt svart, tillsammans med sten och vatten blir det gröna uterummet något speciellt.You can use a theme even in the garden. It can be this pieceful and beautiful

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trädgårdsdesign för 2000-talet

Några av bilderna i föregående inlägg är med i den här boken 'Trädgårdsdesign för 2000-talet'. Skriven av Terence Conran och trädgårdsarkitekten Diamuid Gavin. Det är en bok med fantastiska bilder och massor av bra tips och kul idéer för alla typer av trädgårdar.Some of the images in my earlier post you can find in this book 'Outdoors. The Garden Design Book for the Twenty-first Century' by

Friday, April 25, 2008

An apple a day

The funny thing about blogging is that you become more aware of your surroundings and not even a simple errand can be done without a camera... So, while doing my grocery shop I spotted green apples that were so nicely displayed... I am not sure whether we are allowed to take pictures inside a grocery store, but I could not help it... And you know I always have a camera in my bag even when running

Luciano Giubbilei

Trädgårdsdesignern Luciano Giubbilei omvändlar tråkiga takterasser och innergårdar till moderna gröna oaser med buxbom. Buxbomen klipps till bollar eller fyrkanter och sätts i likadana krukor, inte en eller två utan helst 5-6 stycken.The garden designer Luciano Giubbilei does miracles with his pots with box in shapes of circles and squares.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Wellies!

Aren't they cute? I just wish these mini wellies were my size! My friend from the UK sent me this key chain and I love it!This is part of Project Green, please visit Anna's blog and you will be able to view over 100 participating blogs!

Vackert så in i norden

Lite nytt och några favoriter från våra nordiska grannländer.I like things with nice shapes and also things that can be useful in all kinds of interiors, these are a few favourites at the moment... from our Scandinavian neighbours.Lamporna från finska 'Secto Design' är inte precis nya men klassiska och vackra i sitt formspråk. Passar bra in en skandinavisk inredning och ger ett vackert och varmt

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Go Green!

This week Anna's challenge focuses on green. An environmental theme for April 22nd, which happens to be Earth Day and my birthday too... No wonder why I love green themes, even though it is not my favorite color. My shot for Project Green features organic grape leaves.How green is your life today?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Några vintagebutiker i Köpenhamn

I Köpenhamn finns verkligen de små originella vintage butikerna med det handplockade utbudet mixat av butiksägarens egna personliga stil. Här är några butiker som du inte får missa om du åker dit.If you like the charm of vintage there are a few shops in Copenhagen that are worth a visit. Don't miss these three really good ones were the owner have put his or hers personal style to it.Fil de Fer på

Dar Seven

Sobert och ljuvligt och framförallt inte så färgglatt som man annars förväntar sig inredning från Marocko. Hotellet Dar Seven i Marrakech. Via bloggen Wohnhaus.The Dar Seven seems to be a great hotel in Marrakech. The interior is a little bit different, not so colourful as you usually can see in Marocco. Via Wohnhaus.


Det här värsting uteköket från Thors-Design såg jag på en mässa i Köpenhamn. Det är tillverkat av järn och återvunna stockar av azobeträ som blivit över när man byggde om Korsör hamn.This outdoor kitchen from Thors-Design have been made of recycled wood from an old danish harbour.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ut med soffan på altanen

Just nu råder det en riktigt lyxig trend när det gäller utemöbler. Massor av kontinentala möbler som gränsar mellan inne och ute för den maximala loungekänslan. Och visst är det lite lockande för oss sommartörstande nordbor. Jag hittade lite som jag tyckte var kul när jag surfade runt.The market for garden furniture seems huge at the moment. These are some founds when surfing around the net today

Friday, April 18, 2008

Looking through a pizza oven

This week both my themes revolve around food, first the window at a restaurant and now this pizza oven. I had made other attempts trying to shoot pizza ovens and failed. This time I did not have my tripod with me so it was more of a challenge but I liked the results. Happy Friday everyone!Please visit Mark's blog to find out some great blogs that have been posting wonderful pictures for Project

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nostalgi Fyn

Dansk nätbutik som satsat på tre stilar - Enkelt & Etniskt, Fransk Stämning och Nostalgi & Country. Lite sött och gulligt och en hel del fina produktbilder. Gillar du stilen klicka in på Nostalgi Fyn.Nostalgi Fyn is a danish webshop that sells sweet and nostalgic products with a little bit country. Very danish, take a look.

Looking through the window

Looking through the window from a nice country restaurant. Fresh air, good food and no rush to leave. The check won't be sent to you unless you ask for it. Oops... it has some yellow, am I in the wrong project? I meant to send this to Mark's blog and his Looking through project!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yellow orchids

My last shot for the Project Yellow at Anna's blog. The project has come to an end, but I am sure it was the beginning of many new friendships and great finds!Yellow is the color of sunshine. It is warming, gets our attention (even more now) and it is very cheerful, just like the project. I had such a great time visiting so many blogs that I had never heard of.I leave these yellow orchids in your

Beautiful Tables

With Spring on the way I was inspired to show you some lovely tablescapes from Sweden! In all three photos I love the use of natural materials - breadsticks, rosemary, ferns. Also notice the use of white pebbles surrounding white pots with ferns and baby's breath- simple and classic and so easy!Though not table settings, I just love these place card holders - what a terrific way to recycle and

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Var tog de gamla engelska rosentapeterna vägen?

Ni som tröttnat på vitt får titta bort nu. Det här är en nästan helvit miljö i ett av de gamla georgianska hus som London tycks vara fullt av. Men vad hände? Bilder från Light Locations.I hope you aren't tired of white. This is a old english georgian house that have become almost totally white. Images from Light Locations.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lisa Bengtsson designar för Parafon

Kul idé för oss som jobbar med kontorsinredning. Lisa Bengtsson - ni vet tjejen med tapetmönsterna 'Familjen' och 'Svärmor' - har designat två olika sorts innertakplattor för Parafon 'Marakech' och 'Kalas'.Lisa Bengtsson that you might know from her wallpapers has now designed two different pattern for ceiling system with panels for Parafon. (Offices in Sweden are filled with this kind of awful

All that glitters

Should I say I have organic and sustainable earrings? My earrings and my purse below are not made of gold. They are made of golden grass, a plant that has this unique and natural gold color.Golden grass can be found only in in the Amazon region of Brazil, in a place called Jalapão, and is harvested only once a year. The artisans make beautiful earrings, handbags and other items.This is my

Kuddliv med Karmameju

Stora härliga kuddar som går att bygga ihop till soffor och bord både inomhus och utomhus. Danska Karmameju..Large cushions that can be built together to a lounge area inside or outside. From danish Karmameju.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

DaCapo från Eilersen

Tror jag blivit helt love i en soffa. Trots att det inte passar så bra med vitt i mitt gråa hus och den är alldeles för stor och för att inte tala om alldeles för dyr - 'DaCapo' från Eilersen Furniture.I love this sofa, even if it's totally wrong for me. It's not working with white in my house, it's to big and much too expensive. But still... 'DaCapo' from Eilersen Furniture.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Lucky Me!

I got to play with Teresa Collins' new "Journal It" line for our April kit at My Creative Scrapbook! I've had my eye on these papers so I was thrilled when I found out we were getting them!!!! Make sure you check out the MCS Blog to see the kits available and the other AMAZING layouts and projects from the other girls! One of the kits comes with an adorable red suitcase and mini-album to go in

The Earthmover

This post is dedicated to my husband who started this collection a few years ago when he was a Consultant and implemented a project at Caterpillar. He is on his way back from India and will be home tomorrow! He is always on the move and on the Earth's surface! We miss you honey!If you want to take part in the yellow project, please visit Anna's blog and find out more wonderful pictures that many

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Just nu kan man köpa härliga frasiga tulpaner i alla möjliga färger nästan överallt. Inte behöver de vara så speciellt dyra heller. Jag gillar att köpa flera buntar och placera ut i vaser i hela huset. Det blir häftigt. Bilder från fotograf Rene Mesman.Now it's season for tulips. Images from photographer Rene Mesman..

Snacka om utsikt!

Häftigt hus med en helt enorm utsikt från sydafrika. Bilder från spanska Elle Deco. Cool house from south Africa - look at that view! Images spanish Elle Deco.

Yellow balconies

Visiting a friend this week I parked the car, looked up and saw what... yellow balconies!!! There were people around and this is an only shot, very unusual for me. I don't handle the camera well when people are watching, my favorite shots were taken when I was alone, funny huh?So, here's my photo for Anna's yellow project!

Skapa värme med trä

Naturligt trä blir vackert och elegant men ger även en mycket varm känsla. Bord 'El Dom' och stolar 'Hola' från Cassina. Övriga bilder från Light Locations.Natural wood could be very elegant and leaves a warm feeling. The table 'El Dom' and chairs 'Hola' from Cassina. The other images are from Light Locations. Det lättar även upp och blir varmt inbjudande i en svart miljö. Restaurangbild från

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My neighbor's yellow car

A sweet old lady and her yellow car, that's our neighbor. Most of our parents had a Beetle at some point in their lives, mine did! We don't see many nowadays, but I remember when I was little and my sister had her first car, it was a 60's Beetle, around 1978 I believe. Boy, did we have fun!!! I was only 9 then...It's been a fun week, I had never paid much attention to yellow but it is everywhere!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just follow the yellow sign

Ok, I have done some crazy things to shoot a photo. And this was just one of them. This morning on my way back from Sam's Club, I spotted from a distance a yellow sign near the mall entrance, reached for my camera in the bag and turned it on! There were cars behind me, oh well, I thought they were not that close and I looked in the rear view mirror! So, I slowed down and took this shot! It was a


Wis Design satsar på återvinning. Deras byrå 'Decades' är tillverkad av gamla byrålådor från olika tidsepoker hittade på loppmarknader. Snygg eller ful? Kul idé i alla fall och.. miljömedvetet.Wis Design wants to recycle the past. This 'Decades' is made out of old drawers found at fleamarkets.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Yellow flower and a busy bee

Anna has an inspirational blog that combines beautiful posts and photographs. This week, or for a while, she's challenging bloggers to take yellow pictures! So, off we go to the yellow mode and here is my contribution!This bee started feeding on the flowers I was shooting. My favorite photos revolve around flowers... I think they make me peaceful as I never get tired of admiring how gorgeous they

'Ett hus ska byggas runt spisen och inte runt the bloody television'

... är en kommentar från Simon Davies som jag bara tycker är underbar. Håller helt med även om jag råkar vara en teve-nörd själv. Man måste ju få ha lite ideal eller hur? Läs artikeln om Simon Davies i Aftonbladet och se hans hem här. Läs också Inredningsbloggens tidigare intervju med honom här.Simon Davies have made a lot of fun comments about interior decorations. In Aftonbladet you can read

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Vackra eller finurliga produkter från italienska DePadova. En klädhängare och en puff som jag tyckte var snygga, det lite märkliga bordet med gångjärn i sidorna som går att ändra och bygga om, smarta prylar som man hänger på skrivbordet och till sist en kul metallhylla.These are some products from italian DePadova that I found either smart or just nice.

In love with Felt!

I am currently having a major love affair with the felt from Creative Cafe! I want to make everything out of this stuff. Here's another little quick project I did today with it: Everything here is Creative Cafe except the ribbon, thread and pillow box. (Creative Cafe Spirit Felt Shapes, Creative Cafe Flower, Creative Cafe Button, Creative Cafe Planner Punch-Outs, Creatie Cafe White Felt Ric Rac,


Margot Barolo och Ulrika Mårtensson kallar sina stickade inredningstextilier för 'Knitsbythemetre'. Längder för fönster, rumsavdelning eller ren utsmyckning på väggen. Inte tyger med tryck på som man är van vid utan stickat.This designcompany calls their knitworks for 'Knitsbythemeter' and it's like the idea of fabric and knithworks together in one curtain or walldecoration.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Korgmöbler från Vietnam

Vackra korgmöbler ur Ceannis senaste satsning 'Formission' som är ett projekt med skandinaviska designers i samarbete med lokala hantverkare i Vietnam. (Lägg märke till de små vackra träden i krukor i bakgrunden på första bilden).By the project 'Formission' scandinavian designers and local craftsmen in Vietnam cooperate to create a collection of chairs, tables, carpets etc in natural materials.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Swedish Kitchens from Kvänum Kok

I stumbled upon a wonderful Swedish kitchen cabinet manufacturer as I was searching relentlessly for inspiration for my own kitchen renovation. I fell in love with the photos. This wonderful company seems to compare to the quality and design of my favorite US cabinet maker, Christopher Peacock. The company name is Kvänum Kok and all photos are from their website. If we just look at the cabinets

This was FUN!

I just finished doing a really fun project! I did a "Paintable". You can see them here: IOD Silhouette Gem Frame Fleurish. You just print them out (either on paper or a transparency) and paint them (you should either print them on a laser printer or print with ink jet then make a copy of it on a copier - unless your ink jet uses water-proof ink). I used Staedtler watercolor pencils and a Tombow


Vem har inte funderat på att slänga upp en gammal bil eller något annat iögonfallande på väggen någon gång. Här är någon som verkligen har gjort det. Läs om projektet att bygga om en gammal bildhuggares konstnärsatelje i BoBedre.Let your fantasy loose and put an old car on the wall. Cool and different. Images BoBedre.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Inspiration - blått

Blått är en härligt intensiv färg, lysande vacker ihop med vitt och spännande ihop med andra blå nyanser. Ljuslistdioder att lägga ovanför en garderob som på bild 3 har jag precis köpt till mina barns rum, finns på IKEA. Bilder från Chris Everard, JJLocations, Martin Cederblad.Blue is a very intensive colour, bright and beautiful together with white and exciting with other blue shades. Images

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

En ärtgrön Stingray

Har ni sett att 'Stingray' nu har kommit i tre nya träfaner, ek, valnöt och Macassar. Men också en helklädd i tyg i den här gröna häftiga färgen. Men, Frederica, varför bara i grönt? Bild från modern rockingchair 'Stingray' from Frederica is now available in three different veneer. But also in fabric in this great green colour. But what about other colours?

The Color Red!

The color red, famous on Swedish Country exteriors also shows up again and again in Swedish interiors. It offers a fresh look when paired with white and is also used in simple florals, checked, and striped fabrics. It adds the punch to rooms which by nature tend to be subdued. Light colored floors and walls really reflect the light and adding the contrast of red allows a vibrancy to a room. Here